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Back to School Success

Back to School Success

Back-to-school time draws near!  Though it seems it just began, summer break will soon come to an end, which means it is time to begin planning a successful transition from summer time to school time. Here are some tips for a smooth transition.

o    Bedtime / Wakeup time:  Adjust your child’s bedtime and wakeup time by 10 to 20 minutes per week to avoid a “rude awakening” on the first day of school. Between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night minimum. Sleep well, think well, be well.
o    Breakfast: Plan a well-balanced breakfast—nothing complicated. Smoothies are great and they’re easy to make.
o    Communicate expectations:  Ask your children what they are planning for their new year, help them set goals, and continue to support them on the way to achieving their goals throughout the year.
o    Friends: Encourage your children to see how many people they can meet each day and/or new things they can learn about those people they already know at school. Encourage your children to celebrate their similarities and differences.
o     Activities:  Encourage your child to discover multiple different activities and help them experience a wide range of possible interests early. Remember, our children are the best gauge of what fits their skills and interests, not us.
o    Physical Health: Set the tone of the morning with light exercise, mind and/or body, make sure to choose a proper back pack, instruct your children on proper stretching, and recommend physical activity after school before homework.
o    Wellness Development: Have their spinal system, posture, and nervous system evaluated for pattern of stress or imbalance to ensure your child has the opportunity to create a successful year and a proper foundation of health for life.

These are the years where the patterns of life begin.  We want to work with you to make sure we help today’s children become the leaders of tomorrow. If you need help with children’s health tips and more information to support the health of your family, give us a call at 652-3553 and request information or a consultation with Dr. Oblander. Have a great school year!