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What’s Your New Year Plan?

What’s Your New Year Plan?

iStock_000016576964SmallEach year millions of people make New Year’s resolutions and each year millions fail to accomplish the desired results.  Why is this? Because a resolution represents change, something many people are resistant to…in fact, some even fear it.  Positive changes are never easy, but will always result in personal growth.  Mahatma Gandhi said “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.  The two most important words in this quote are “YOU” and “BE”.  “Be” is who you are, not merely how you act, it is what drives your actions.  The reason so many fail to achieve success with their resolutions is they attempt to change what they “DO” instead of changing who they “BE” inside.

Let’s consider the BE-DO-HAVE concept, which states that in order to achieve a desired result you must BE the type of person who will DO the things necessary to HAVE the desired outcome.  Most people fall into the trap of attempting to change their actions (DO) without first changing who they are and how they think (BE).

For example, have you ever had a resolution that involved losing a certain amount of weight by trying some new fad diet?  You may have been successful in the short term by following the recommended diet, but chances are you reached your goal and the diet went out the door and the pounds came back on.  This is a classic example of trying to modify your actions without changing who you are and how you think.  This approach will fail every time the focus is on the DOING not the Being.

Back to the title, “What is your New Year plan”? I will try to help you with a few quick and easy, but powerful tools to help you succeed.

1) Set Goals
The number one rule of goal setting is that your goals must be written.  Writing your goals will materialize your thoughts… and thoughts motivate action.  A useful acronym to help with goal setting is S.M.A.R.T.  Make your goals Specific (you are more likely to achieve a specific goal than a general goal), Measurable (must have criteria for measuring progress), Attainable (Make sure you have or are developing the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity necessary for achieving your goal), Realistic (must represent an objective that you are willing and able to work towards), and Timely (must have a timeframe for accomplishing your goal).

2) Visual Success
Visualization is a process of holding a thought in your mind and allowing it to propagate into a mental picture that you can see, hear, feel, smell, and even taste.  If you visualize yourself achieving your goals you are more likely to be successful. Implementing these tools and concepts will help you not only achieve, but sustain your New Year’s resolutions.

3) Affirm Your Intentions
Affirmations are positive statements that stimulate your mind with an attitude of  Expectancy and are your opportunity to condition yourself to be exactly who you want to be.  Some examples include: “I can do anything I want to do!”, “I am a happy person!”, “I am worthy of success!”, and “I am health!”  Affirmations should always be written and read with regularly and should support whatever it is that you are working towards.  They should be written in first person and in present tense.  For example “I am…” vs. “I will…” Affirmations are best done at the beginning of your day and should be carried around with you as a reminder, and most importantly they should be said aloud with enthusiasm!

December is a great month to start organizing your New Year Plan.  My hope is that you will utilize and share this information with others so that we may all BE the change we wish to see in the world.  As Thomas S. Monson says, “The Future is as bright as our Faith.” Where can you go in 2013 and what can you accomplish if you exercise faith in yourself and in your ability to learn to make great choices? Here’s to a bright future!

PS – If weight loss is a part of the changes you are seeing for yourself in 2013, let us help! Our weight loss program is designed to help you make a successful transition in not only reducing your weight but in your health habits and life choices as well! Go to or call our office at 406-652-3553