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Tag: gratitude

The Power of Gratitude on Health

The Power of Gratitude on Health

How we think and how we process the world around us has a tremendous effect on our health and our happiness. In celebration of this time of Thanksgiving, take some time out for yourself and contemplate all the many things that you have to be grateful for. If you find the task difficult, keep at it – it will get easier. Then, make it a daily habit – you will never be sorry that you decided to make gratitude a daily part of your life!

Here's How Gratitude Affects The Human Body:

The Attitude of Gratitude

The Attitude of Gratitude

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we have some thoughts on the practice of “Thanksgiving” or gratitude. We feel that taking the time to be grateful is not something to be done once a year but something we should make a part of our lives every day. Having an attitude of gratitude is a key factor in a wellness lifestyle.

Do you know someone who is always negative? How much fun is that person to have around? People with positive attitudes tend to have stronger social relationships for the simple reason that they are a joy to be around.

Having a positive attitude also helps during times of stress and change.  People with a great attitude are able to find the positive even in difficult times and situations. This helps to keep the body from being overtaxed by stress hormones. By focusing on the positive you are also more likely to find solutions to challenges you may be dealing with. Where your attention goes, energy flows.

So what are you grateful for this year? Has it been a year full of joy, abundance and smooth sailing? Has it been a year full of difficulty or has it been a mix? Are you able to appreciate when times are good and reflect on your good fortune or do you take it for granted? Are you able to appreciate the blessings in your life even when they are overshadowed by difficult times, stress, uncertainty and grief? Finally, are you able to reflect upon and learn from the difficult times to use that knowledge to create more joy and balance in your life?

These are not arbitrary questions but are key to truly enjoying what life has to offer. Dr. Wayne Dyer has said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Do you need to change your perspective to get a better view of all that is good and right with your life? This is a great time to give yourself an attitude adjustment and carry it with you every day.