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Summer Fun and Water Safety

Summer Fun and Water Safety

inner-tube-boy-200-300Summertime’s here and for many children around the country that means fun in the water!

But here’s the catch… Whether it happens to be a neighborhood pool, a lake near a favorite camping spot or the ocean right across the beach from a vacation rental, playing in and around the water comes with certain risks. And while the rate of accidental death by drowning has been dropping over the years, it is still the leading cause of accidental deaths for children between the ages of one and four.

We believe that parents should pay special attention to these risks—especially at this time of the year. Here are some safety tips for parents whose kids will be spending time around the water during the next few months.

Tip #1. Teach your child to swim.

This is one of the best things you can do for your child, and the earlier the better. You can start familiarizing your child with water as an infant so they do not develop a fear of it. Ensuring that your child receives swimming lessons is especially important if he or she comes from a family of non-swimmers, as children from these households are eight times more likely to drown than children who come from swimming households. If your child can’t swim, be sure he or she wears a life jacket at all times around open water. Children should be taught never to swim alone and not to play around unattended pools or drains.

Tip #2. Remove drowning hazards.

Children—especially young ones—can drown not only in a pool, but also in a tub, toilet, or even a bucket with only a few inches of water at the bottom. Keep bathroom and laundry room doors shut and keep toilet seat lids closed. It’s also a good idea to install a child safety lock on the seat. Keep buckets drained of liquid and store them upside-down when they’re not in use. Remove water from the tub or any kind of wading pool immediately after use.

Tip #3. Be nearby at all times.

Always remain within arm’s reach of your young child in any setting where there is water, including pools, tubs, ponds and buckets. Never leave your child unattended in the tub, even for a minute. Two thirds of home deaths from drowning (apart from pools) occur in the bathtub!

Tip #4. Watch your child constantly.

Children playing in or near the water need to be supervised at all times, even if they know how to swim. It is important not to be distracted by talking on the phone, sending text messages or reading a book, as children can drown very quickly and quietly. Most deaths from drowning occurred just after an adult was watching them. If you find your child is missing, check the water first.

Tip #5. Put up safety barriers.

If you have a pool or spa at home, be sure it is surrounded on all sides by a fence that is at least four feet high. The fence should have a gate that locks automatically, and alarms to both the gate and pool area should be installed. Remember to cover and lock the pool or spa when you are not using it.

Tip #6 Learn CPR.

Children who are rescued from drowning need to receive CPR as soon as possible to decrease the likelihood of death or brain damage. Don’t wait for the paramedics to arrive. Learn CPR and do something!

Family Road Trips and Your Health

Family Road Trips and Your Health

desert-roadway-200-300A family road trip can be a wonderful experience that creates life-long memories for parents and children alike. In fact, a recent survey by Jiffy Lube International suggests that road trips remain an American favorite, with 78% of those polled agreeing that they make the best vacations. However, spending long periods of time sitting in a car on the open road can have its drawbacks, too. This is especially true if you already spend a lot of time commuting or if you already have back or neck problems.

If you already spend many of your waking hours in a motor vehicle—either commuting to and from work or as part of your job—it’s fair to wonder whether a family road trip is really a good idea at all. After all, just the act of sitting for long periods of time has been called “the new smoking”. But if you do decide that a road trip is right for you and your family, there are some things that you can do safeguard your musculoskeletal health and to be more comfortable.

Tip #1:  Be sure that seats, seatbelts and head restraints are all properly adjusted. Remember that even the best safety equipment won’t provide as much protection as it should if it’s not positioned correctly.

Tip #2:  Get comfortable as early as possible in your trip. Little things that would only annoy or irritate you in the course of a 10-minute drive to the dry cleaner can translate into major aches and pains during a much longer trip. Avoid sitting on wallets or mobile phones and consider specialized supports or cushions that provide additional support for your lower back, neck or buttocks.

Tip #3:  Keep on moving. Sitting still for extended periods of time—even in well-designed car seats that have been properly adjusted—is bad for your back and for your health more generally. For this reason, it’s important to change the position of your seat and shift your weight slightly every 15-20 minutes. Plus, be sure to get out of the car to stretch your legs and back at least twice each day. Once every 60 to 90 minutes is even better. A little bit of exercise at rest stops is a very good idea, since regular movement helps to keep vertebral discs, muscles and ligaments healthy.

Tip #4: Keep hot and cold options on hand. If you’re already experiencing back pain, alternating between hot and cold can often provide relief. Preparation is the key—it’s important to have compresses or hot/cold water bottles and warm/cold packs on hand if you intend to use this strategy. It can also be handy to bring along an ice chest as well as a heating pad (with cigarette lighter adapter).

Tip #5: Get your chiropractic treatment before you hit the road and schedule a follow-up for the week you return. If you’re like most people, it’s easy to forget (or put off) important details in the hectic run-up to a vacation. With lots to accomplish at work and at home before you can leave, doctor’s appointments sometimes fall through the cracks. Don’t let it happen to you! Getting adjusted before you hit the road can improve your chances of having a pain-free, fun-filled experience.

While the prospect of taking long road trips might seem daunting for people who already have back or neck pain, a little bit of planning and a flexible itinerary can make all the difference. If you and your family are considering a summer road trip and would like some advice about how to get the most out of it, please call or visit our office today! We’re here to help!

Spring is Here and Summer is Coming! Ease into Your Warm-Weather Exercise Routine to Avoid Injury

Spring is Here and Summer is Coming! Ease into Your Warm-Weather Exercise Routine to Avoid Injury

Woman is trained on a riverside

The prospect of warmer weather just around the corner, especially after a winter like this one, is already inspiring many people to “get back in shape.” It’s like a second chance at that New Years’ resolution you made back in January and never followed up on because it was freezing outside.

We all know that exercise is good for us. But no one likes having to put on ten layers of clothing to run outside or having to drive 20 minutes to the gym for a one-hour workout during the winter months. At around this same time every year, spring weather makes it easier for many people to “reboot” their exercise goals and to increase their level of physical activity. However, it’s important to use some common sense when jump-starting your warm-weather exercise program.

There are at least two big reasons why. First, statistics tell us that over half the people who start a new exercise program quit within six months. “Easing into it” and taking things slowly at first can help to prevent this. Second, starting to exercise again after a period of inactivity can lead to a number of injuries that can easily be avoided by taking a more realistic approach to exercising again. For example, if you’re a runner, don’t start out by trying to run a marathon. Ease into a new running routine by starting with short runs and extending the distance you run each time you go out. Also, try to remember the following general guidelines about exercise in general and exercising in warm weather.

  • Always warm up before exercise and stretch/cool down afterwards. The warm-up period is far more critical if you haven’t exercised for a while, because you need to get your body used to increased activity before you put demands on it. So do your jumping jacks or other gentle exercises to raise your heart rate and get your circulation going before you start your sports or exercise routine, and then do some stretching afterwards during a “cool down” period to allow things to settle down again.
  • Start slow, and don’t overdo it. If you’ve been inactive for some months, start with a couple of weeks of vigorous walking before you ease back into running. Also, if you’re an outdoor runner, be sure to pace yourself when picking routes, remembering that you have to run just as far to get back home.
  • Set goals, measure your progress, and try to keep to them. If possible, work with a trained sports/exercise counselor at your gym to set realistic exercise goals for yourself. Then carefully monitor your progress, making note of exactly how far you run or how much weight you lift in each session. Doing this will help you actually see your own progress and provide additional motivation when you run into problems or your performance plateaus.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. We can’t say this enough—hydrate. Drink lots of water before, during, and after exercising, especially as the temperature and humidity rises. The amount of water you need to consume depends to some extent on your weight and how long you exercise, but as you make progress and your workouts get longer, remember to consume a sports drink beforehand to replenish your electrolytes. This becomes more important as temperature and humidity rises, and you begin to sweat more.
  • Cross-train. If possible, try to vary your workouts, even as you’re easing back into them. Try running one day, lifting weights the next, and swimming the next, etc. This will develop different muscle groups more evenly and help you avoid injuries caused by repeatedly using the same ones.
  • Listen to your body and be aware of your limitations. If your arthritis has been acting up all winter, naturally don’t start with exercises that put a lot of pressure on your knees and joints. As a general rule, avoid believing in the “no pain, no gain” meme. That’s for committed athletes, and until you’ve been back in the swing of your exercise routine for six months or more, you’re not one. Don’t push yourself to the point of pain, and if you feel weak or in pain after a particular workout, rest for a day or more before exercising again.
  • Dress right. Yes, the temperatures are warmer, but be sure to wear proper clothing and foot gear for the sport or exercise you are performing. A remarkable number of injuries are caused each year by things as simple as running while wearing improper shoes.
  • If you become injured, remember R.I.C.E. This acronym stands for Rest (take off for a few days to rest the injured area), Ice (apply ice or cold packs to reduce swelling and inflammation), Compress (wrap swollen areas in a compression bandage), and Elevate (raise the injured limb). Avoid activities that use the injured area for a few days—you can still remain active, but don’t rush back into the same activities that caused the injury in the first place. For example, if you sprain your ankle, spend the next week exercising your arms and upper body.
  • If you are overweight or have known health problems, consult a doctor first. Don’t be macho—discuss your plans to get back in shape with your physician, and follow his or her advice.
10 Great Reasons to Stay Hydrated

10 Great Reasons to Stay Hydrated

water peak 2

Water is essential to life. Our bodies are already 60%-70% water, and those reserves need to be replenished on a daily basis to keep us healthy. Add either extreme heat or extreme cold (both of which dehydrate us), and drinking enough water becomes even more critical.

Exactly how much water we should drink each day is an open question. As reported by the Mayo Clinic, the Institute of Medicine has determined that adequate water intake per day is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) for men and 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) for women. Some sources recommend more, some less, but there seems to be no question within the healthcare community that many of us should be drinking more water than we are. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Water curbs your appetite, and contains zero calories. Both of these reasons should have some appeal to you whether you’re actively trying to lose a few pounds or just trying to maintain a healthy weight. Studies have shown that often when people think they’re hungry, they’re really thirsty.
  2. Water increases your energy levels. Studies have indicated that a cup of water can be more effective at boosting your energy levels than a cup of coffee. One suspected reason for this is that our perception of fatigue is often caused more by dehydration than actually being tired.
  3. Water is good for your skin. Rather than investing in expensive creams and lotions, why not invest in a few more glasses of water per day? They will help to keep your skin healthy, radiant, and glowing. And it’s a lot less expensive than anything you could buy at the cosmetics counter.
  4. Water increases your brain power. According to a study in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, subjects who drank a glass of water before performing a series of cognitive tasks reacted faster and thought more clearly than subjects who did not.
  5. Water helps maintain the balance of your other bodily fluids. You lose moisture daily via sweat and other excretions. Similarly, your blood, lymph, and intestinal fluids become depleted, and must be replenished with a proper intake of water.
  6. Water improves your moods. Although there are many causes of depression, headaches, irritability, and fatigue, one of the most common is dehydration. When your body becomes low on water, your blood vessels dilate, causing all of these symptoms. Increasing your daily intake of water can counter and reverse them.
  7. Water lowers your risk of heart attack. When your arteries and veins become clogged with plaque, you increase your likelihood of heart disease—one of the most effective ways of preventing this buildup of plaque is to remain properly hydrated. A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that drinking more water was positively associated with a decrease in the risk of coronary heart disease. Drinking liquids other than water increased this risk, according to the same study.
  8. Water can keep your joints lubricated, too. The synovial fluid that keeps your joints functioning properly and that keeps your bones from rubbing against each other becomes depleted when you are dehydrated. Drinking more water prevents this.
  9. Water improves your digestion. Your ability to digest your food depends on the proper functioning of a series of enzymes in your intestinal tract. The “delivery mechanism” for these enzymes is water—don’t get enough of it, and your ability to digest and assimilate nutrients in your food breaks down.
  1. Water even prevents fluid retention. This sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s true. Dehydration causes the body to retain water, because it thinks there is a critical lack of it. Drinking more water actually causes your body to stop retaining it.
Short on Time During Your Workout? Don’t Skip the Stretching!

Short on Time During Your Workout? Don’t Skip the Stretching!

Little ballerinas
Little ballerinas

Why is stretching the part of our workout regimen that so many of us tend to skip? We might tell ourselves it’s because we’re sort on time, that we’re impatient or that (deep down) we believe stretching is really pointless. But however we rationalize it, skipping the stretching is a BAD idea!

It’s probably obvious that our joints were designed to be able to move in various directions with a certain degree of freedom. But as our bodies age, we become stiffer and lose the flexibility we had when we were young. In fact, chances are (unless you happen to be a dancer or gymnast), that process will start even before you reach your 20th birthday. However, it’s never too late to regain some of that youthful flexibility by becoming more serious about stretching. Combined with strength training, proper stretching can help prolong our mobility and independence—allowing us to perform basic day-to-day tasks well into our senior years. Reaching that high shelf, bending to pick up a dropped object, and accessing that hidden switch behind an awkward kitchen cabinet are all great examples.

One reason it’s really important to stretch before working out is that we are likely to use muscles and connective tissues that are normally inactive. Without flexibility, the risk of getting hurt goes up. However, stretching can help prevent (or even treat) some common types of musculoskeletal injuries if it’s done correctly. Plus, it can feel good! Stretching can be a great way to start the day or to wind down after work.

Preparing the body for exercise by warming up the muscles (increasing blood flow) and stretching is easy and need not take up much of your time. Simply begin moving the various muscle groups in a deliberate way, with slow stretches of the joints towards the end of their range of motion. As you do this, you should notice a gentle “pulling” sensation and hold the position for up to half a minute. Then stretch the alternate side or move on to other muscle groups. Not only does stretching prevent injury, but it also improves the mechanical efficiency of your body. Stretching prior to exercise means muscles and joints are able to move through their full range of motion with less effort when exercising , improving performance.

Other benefits of stretching include improved circulation, less pain and faster recoveries following workouts, and better posture. If you find yourself arriving home stiff and achy from sitting at a desk all day and then commuting—try stretching. You might find that you’ll feel better almost instantly!

Remember—good health is the result of lots of little day-to-day things, including your nutrition, exercise and sleep habits, as well as your healthcare choices. As chiropractic physicians, we’re experts in diagnosing and treating disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. We’re also experts in prevention and performance. If you’re interested in any of these things, we encourage you to call or visit our office today!

Chiropractic Care Gets High Marks from Back Pain Patients

Chiropractic Care Gets High Marks from Back Pain Patients

satisfaction-survey-200-300Lower back pain is a very common problem across the US. In fact, experts estimate that as much as 84% of the population will experience it over the course of a lifetime!  For about 23%, this pain will be chronic and for 11%-12% it will be debilitating.

While these are sobering statistics, there is also some good news.  Depending on your condition, chiropractic care can be an effective treatment option—helping to relieve pain and restore mobility.

Patient Satisfaction by the Numbers

In addition to the many clinical studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of chiropractic care, a number of well-known public health and consumer research organizations have also conducted surveys and polls in order to better understand the experience of patients when it comes to treating back pain.  In April and May 2009, the Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center surveyed the magazine’s subscribers.  In particular, the Center was interested in learning about back pain patients’ satisfaction with their healthcare providers and with the different treatment options they provided.

  • Of patients who had visited a chiropractor, 59% were highly satisfied* with the treatment and advice they received.  By comparison, fewer than half were highly satisfied with the treatment and advice provided by their medical specialist (44%) or primary care physician (34%).
  • Of patients who had received chiropractic manipulation, 58% reported that the treatment helped a lot.  Only 45% reported that prescription drugs helped a lot and just 22% said the same thing about over-the-counter medications.

What’s especially interesting about these survey results are the number of people who participated and their backgrounds.

  • The Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center surveyed more than 14,000 participants who had suffered from lower-back pain in the prior year but had never had back surgery.
  • More than half reported that pain severely limited their daily routine for a week or longer.  Many reported that pain interfered with sleep, sex and efforts to maintain a healthy weight.
  • 88% reported that the pain recurred through the year.
  • Most had tried five or six different treatments.

Two years later, the Center published an updated report describing how Americans use alternative approaches to healthcare as well as their experience with various providers and therapies.  Chiropractic care once again was found to be the most popular approach to back pain relief and was ranked most highly in terms of patient satisfaction.

Your chiropractor is specially trained to relieve back pain and restore mobility by using drug-free, hands-on techniques called manipulation, adjustments or mobilization.  He or she may also employ other types of therapy, such as massage and cold laser treatment, depending on the nature and cause of your back pain.  In addition, many chiropractic physicians work closely with their patients to develop new, healthier habits—usually around exercise, nutrition and sleep—that can help prevent some types of injuries and chronic medical conditions.  By focusing on both immediate pain relief and the underlying causes of back pain, your chiropractor can help you return to your active lifestyle as soon as possible!

Remember—every patient’s body is different.  If you’re wondering whether chiropractic care is an appropriate choice for you, please call or visit our office today!  We’ll be happy to help!




*Defined as either Completely Satisfied or Very Satisfied.

Chiropractic and the Benefits of Conservative Care

Chiropractic and the Benefits of Conservative Care

chiropractic-counseling-200-300It’s been in the headlines for years now—non-specific back pain has become an epidemic in the U.S. According to some estimates, Americans now spend approximately $100 billion per year looking for relief. At the same time, many public health officials, medical researchers and clinicians see a growing gap between the types and amounts of care being delivered and the results being achieved for patients. In particular, the rapidly growing use of advanced diagnostic tools (especially early imaging) and high-tech treatment options (surgeries, medical devices and drugs) appear to be driving up costs as well as risks without producing widespread benefits. So what is to be done?

Surgery as a Last Resort

According to many experts, the right answer for many patients is a conservative approach that emphasizes proven treatment options and resorts to more expensive and riskier alternatives only after these have failed to produce results. This may be particularly true when it comes to surgery. The Mayo Clinic, for example, recommends caution before choosing this option. Their website warns, “Spine surgeons hold differing opinions about when to operate, what type of surgery to perform, and whether—for some spine conditions—surgery is warranted at all.” A 2013 study in Washington State, published in the journal Spine, also highlighted an interesting correlation between the number of back surgeries performed and the type of doctor first visited. The study found that of those injured workers who saw a surgeon first, 42.7% chose surgery (a relatively expensive and risky option) as a solution. Of those injured workers who first saw a chiropractor, the rate of surgeries dropped to 1.5%. In other words, those who visited a chiropractor first found that surgery was less likely to be necessary.

There are of course situations where back surgery may be absolutely necessary. However, study after study has shown that other methods of treating back pain are far less expensive, less risky and frequently more effective. If you have been advised to have back surgery, it’s always good to get a second or even third opinion from different medical professionals to be sure you do not undergo a surgical procedure that may be best treated more conservatively.

The Chiropractic Alternative

Interestingly, most cases of back pain are mechanical, as opposed to being caused by more serious medical conditions such as infection, arthritis, fractures, or cancer. Some are caused by sports injuries or accidents, but others can be triggered by nothing more severe than bending down to pick up a dropped pencil. Still others are caused by misalignments of the spine, neck and joints that have built up over many years, as opposed to being caused by a single trauma.

Most of these conditions can be successfully treated by Doctors of Chiropractic, who are specially trained to use manipulation and mobilization techniques to relieve pain and address the underlying causes. Over time, chiropractors can help to return your spine and whole body to a more normal state of health, in which reoccurrences of back pain are less likely to appear.

Chiropractic care has received high marks in clinical studies as well as in patient satisfaction surveys conducted by governments and leading consumer research organizations. It is also recognized as one of the safest therapies you can use to treat back, neck and joint pain when performed by properly trained and licensed healthcare professionals. Potential side effects are usually limited to a mild aching or short-term soreness in the spinal joints or muscles. Spinal adjustments pose few serious risks, although rare complications include the possibility of a herniated disk or compression of the nerves in the lower spinal column.

During your visit, you should be very specific about your symptoms and about any concerns you have. This will help us offer the safest and most effective treatment for you. Depending on your condition and the specific problems being treated, you and your chiropractor may choose to forego manipulation in favor of joint mobilization, therapeutic exercise, soft-tissue techniques, or other types of therapies.

Chiropractic care is a safe, effective and—above all—conservative approach to the treatment of back pain. It is non-invasive and uses no drugs that may have potential negative side effects. The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research conducted a study of all available care for lower back problems and recommended spinal manipulation as the safest and most effective initial treatment of lower back pain in adults.

If you are one of the four out of five people who will experience back pain during their lifetime, you can do something about it. This is an important thing to know. Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware of their options. A survey conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association found that although two-thirds of Americans experience low back pain, more than a third of them don’t seek professional help for it. So if you’re experiencing back pain, call or visit our office today. All you have to lose is your pain!

The Benefits of Life-Long Sports

The Benefits of Life-Long Sports

middle-aged-woman-playing-tennis-200-300Not only can playing sports at any age help you maintain your strength, stamina, balance, flexibility and coordination, the benefits are actually cumulative over time. That means the more adults participate in sports throughout their lifetime, the more they will benefit as they reach the age where joint problems and declining energy become a problem. For people to enjoy the most benefit, they should begin to consciously “ramp-up” their physical activity in early adulthood to support the continuation of active leisure time activities throughout later phases of life.

Playing sports into mid-life allows adults to maintain physical capabilities that will help reduce their risk of developing age-related problems that are often tied to inactivity, including heart disease, colon cancer, stroke and diabetes. In addition, sports burn calories and help prevent weight gain as metabolism slows as part of the aging process. Sustaining their physical health through middle age and into their senior years will allow them to continue participating in more of the activities they enjoy and to maintain their independence longer. Not only will staying active help them enjoy better health, it will also improve their longevity.

Sports Participation Increases Energy, Improves the 3Ms

Most of us recognize that exercising actually increases our general energy levels. This is true at any age, including 50 and beyond. But did you know that it also improves the 3Ms—memory, mood and mind? Participating in sports helps adults stay motivated and provides a release from stress. Many also enjoy the chance to compete against other athletes in their age bracket. Benefits are important to both men and women in the over 50 category.

Popular Sports for Older Adults

Obviously, most older adults are not going to jump into sports like tackle football, rugby, lacrosse or ice hockey, but there are a large number of sports that will help them strengthen muscles, build stamina and maintain their balance, flexibility and coordination. Many of these also offer great opportunities for social interaction and will help seniors feel better all the way around.

  • Increases stamina and strengthens legs. Can also encourage core strength and flexibility.
  • Enhances breathing, improves bone density, reduces body fat and maintains reaction time.
  • Not a physically demanding sport, and well-suited for those who are not in the best physical shape. Sharpens hand-eye coordination and offers mental and social benefits.
  • Increases energy and stamina with minimal risk of muscle and joint injury. Increases flexibility and tones muscles, offers aerobic exercise for improved heart health and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Improves coordination, balance and can improve mobility.

Although the greatest benefits from playing sports occur in those who have continued to engage in sports activity throughout their lives, it is never too late to learn a new sport and enjoy the physical and mental benefits they can provide.

Best Exercises For Preventing Shin Splints

Best Exercises For Preventing Shin Splints

soccer-ball-on-shin-200-300Although you may have heard the term before, you may not know exactly what a “shin splint” is. It’s a common term for painful inflammation at the front of the tibia caused by strenuous activity. Medical professionals refer to it as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS). The following exercises will not only help to prevent shin splints or MTSS, but the first two exercises can also help relieve some of the agony for those who are already suffering from the syndrome. If you already have shin splints, use care and restraint in performing these exercises.

Spread Toe Elevation – Stand with your heels together, toes pointed outward and rise slowly on your toes. Hold for a few moments and then lower your heels slowly to the floor. Perform ten times.

Tuck Toe Elevation – Start with your big toes together, heels spread apart, and rise slowly on your toes. Hold for a few moments and then lower your heels slowly to the floor. Perform ten times.

Edge of Oblivion – Don’t let the name scare you. By using this exercise, you can prevent future shin splints, sending them into oblivion! However, this might not be the best way to heal shin splints if you already have them. If that’s the situation you’re in, we’d suggest that you use the other two exercises instead.

  1. Find a sturdy step stool, stair or curb.
  2. Face downstairs or away from the stool or curb. Move your feet forward until only your heel is on the edge and most of your foot is dangling over empty air. For balance, hold onto the stair railing or maneuver your stool next to a wall.
  3. Start with legs straight and point your toes downward as far as they will go (without going so far as to slide off the step).
  4. Lift your toes as far as they will go.
  5. Repeat as rapidly as you can.
  6. Using a timer or watch, perform this exercise for a full 30 seconds. Make certain that you extend and flex fully each time.
  7. When done, bend your knees at a 45-degree angle and repeat 30 seconds of extensions and flexions. When done, you have completed one full set.
  8. Rest one to two minutes between sets and repeat until you’ve done three of these two-part sets.

If after the first set, you feel a burning sensation in your lower legs, then you’re likely doing it the right way. If at any point you feel damage is being done, discontinue the exercise.

Rediscovering Exercise After Years of Being Inactive? Take the SMART Approach

Rediscovering Exercise After Years of Being Inactive? Take the SMART Approach

Senior cycling group
Group of seniors in a spinning class

Artists who work with glass or metal know that you should not try to bend or shape the material while it remains cold and brittle. Glass will shatter. Metal will break or quickly show signs of fatigue and damage. Our bodies also need to be warmed up to change. They need the tender, loving care of an artist to reshape them. You are that artist. And sculpting your new body takes time, patience and persistence. And yes, it takes hard work.

You can’t expect your body to react well at the beginning if you ask it to do too much after years of inactivity. Using the following SMART approach to exercise will help you get back into an exercise routine and allow you to reach your goals:

Specific—It’s most effective set exercise goals that are well-defined rather than vague. Say you want to be a trim, 165 pounds of muscle and vibrant energy. This approach to defining your goal not only gives you a specific weight to shoot for, but also describes the feeling you want to go with it.

Measurable—This makes your goal even more concrete and will help you see the progress you’re making in an objective way. Not every approach to measurement uses numbers, but numerical criteria are usually the easiest to work with. This goes for measuring activity as well as measuring the results. For example, a 30-minute, brisk walk is measurable. If you’ve only walked 25 minutes, you know you’re not done. Keeping a journal helps you compare these details later.

Action-oriented—You have to put your dreams into action, and exercise is all about physical movement. But don’t let repetitive exercise become boring. Add different kinds of action. In fact, sports medicine doctors recommend varying the activity between stretching, light endurance, vigorous strength and other types of exercise. This helps to prevent heart attacks, sprains and other maladies from pushing too hard, too fast. It also helps to keep things more interesting.

Realistic—Never let anyone tell you that something cannot be done. By the same token, it never makes sense to ignore reality. If you are not realistic in your goals, you are setting yourself up for failure. Set a few attainable short-term goals when you are starting out in a new exercise program so you are more likely to stick with it as time goes on. It will help give you more confidence and you will be more motivated to set your goals a little higher each time.

Time-related—Set deadlines. This helps to keep you challenged so you keep moving forward. Naturally, any deadline needs to be realistic (see above). You should not expect to be running marathons in one month after a couple of decades of desk work, in-car commutes and armchair quarterbacking.