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How To Choose a Chiropractor

How To Choose a Chiropractor

We are sharing an article today that was first run in the Billings Gazette in 2014. We think it has some good information and we have added a few tips of our own at the conclusion of the article:

Chiropractors are a great resource for people with back, head or neck pain. These professionals believe that realigning your spine will help relieve pain and discomfort in the body.

People often find relief by seeking help from a chiropractor. They report having improvements in their muscles, joints, bones and ligaments.

It will often improve your general health as well. Headaches and sinus pain can also be healed with treatments.

Whether you are experiencing pain or simply want to enhance your overall well-being, you may benefit from seeing a chiropractor.

Thinking about the following factors can help you find the right chiropractor for your needs.


Chiropractors have some of the most stringent educational requirements in the health care industry. According to the American Chiropractic Association, accredited chiropractors go through at total of at least 4,200 hours of classroom, laboratory and clinical training time combined.

Students must spend four years in a pre-medical program, in addition to four or five years of professional training.

It is vital that the student understand different aspects of the body.

Prior to selecting a chiropractor, inquire about training and credentials. Make sure he or she is properly qualified.

Insurance Coverage

Many insurance carriers include chiropractic care as part of their regular coverage.

Verify that your care will be covered. You might be offered a discount for choosing an “in-network” professional.

But if you don’t have insurance, many chiropractors offer low cash rates or affordable plans to help patients. Even without health insurance, you can still find chiropractor offering quality, cost-effective care.

Get Referrals

Someone in your social or professional network has likely received excellent care from a chiropractor. Ask family, friends and co-workers for referrals.

Inquire specifically about his or her demeanor and schedule. Is it easy to make an appointment? You should also find out about the chiropractor’s philosophy about health and other wellness issues. Some practitioners will suggest complementary forms of care, including massage.

Given the results it can provide, chiropractic care is still affordable and well worth the money. With time and effort, you are likely to find a quality chiropractor in your area.

Our Own Comments:

We believe that it is a good idea to find a chiropractor that will listen to you. The doctor should be interested in understanding what issues you are seeking treatment for and resolving those issues. A doctor that is interested in getting you in and out of the adjusting room as quickly as possible is often more interested in his/her pocketbook than in your care. Also, a doctor that educates his/her patients is invaluable.

We are grateful that Dr. Oblander is the kind of doctor that genuinely cares for his patients and who seeks to give his patients the care they need, want and deserve!

For our current patients who read this, we would appreciate your online reviews for our office and Dr. Oblander. We have provided links below to make it easier for you!:

