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Tag: chiropractic

Patient’s Satisfaction with Chiropractic Care

Patient’s Satisfaction with Chiropractic Care

satisfaction-form-200-300When it comes to making important choices about treatment options for back pain, it’s worth looking at the experiences of others who have found something that works.  In recent years, the Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center has surveyed the magazine’s subscribers to do just that.  In April and May 2009, Consumer Reports released some of its findings publicly.  A summary appears below.

About the Survey Participants:

* More than 14,000 participants who had suffered from lower-back pain in the prior year but had never had back surgery.
* More than half reported that pain severely limited their daily routine for a week or longer.
* Many reported that pain interfered with sleep, sex and efforts to maintain a healthy weight.
* 88% reported that the pain recurred through the year.
* Most had tried five or six different treatments.

How Respondents Ranked the Healthcare Providers Who Had Treated Them:

Healthcare Provider Percent Who Were Highly Satisfied With Treatment and Advice*
Chiropractor       59%
Physical Therapist+ 55%
Acupuncturist    53%
Physician, Specialist 44%
Physician, Primary Care 34%

How Respondents Ranked Selected Back Pain Therapies:

Therapy Percentage Who Reported that the Therapy Helped a Lot
Chiropractic Manipulation 58%
Prescription Drugs 45%
Over-the-Counter Drugs              22%

In July 2011, Consumer Reports published an updated report describing how Americans use alternative approaches to healthcare as well as their experience with various therapies and their providers.  Chiropractic care once again was reported to be the most popular approach to back pain relief and was ranked most highly in terms of patient satisfaction.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic can help relieve back pain and restore mobility by using a drug-free, hands-on technique called “spinal manipulation” or “chiropractic adjustment”.  He or she may also use other manual therapies, such as massage, to complement this primary treatment.  In addition, many chiropractors are skilled in designing exercise and nutrition programs for their patients that will help their bodies resist injury and function properly.  By focusing on both immediate pain relief and the underlying causes of back pain, your chiropractor can help you achieve a healthier overall lifestyle.

Every body is different. If you have questions about this article or whether chiropractic is an appropriate choice for your specific situation, please ask. We are here to help!

What’s Your New Year Plan?

What’s Your New Year Plan?

iStock_000016576964SmallEach year millions of people make New Year’s resolutions and each year millions fail to accomplish the desired results.  Why is this? Because a resolution represents change, something many people are resistant to…in fact, some even fear it.  Positive changes are never easy, but will always result in personal growth.  Mahatma Gandhi said “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.  The two most important words in this quote are “YOU” and “BE”.  “Be” is who you are, not merely how you act, it is what drives your actions.  The reason so many fail to achieve success with their resolutions is they attempt to change what they “DO” instead of changing who they “BE” inside.

Let’s consider the BE-DO-HAVE concept, which states that in order to achieve a desired result you must BE the type of person who will DO the things necessary to HAVE the desired outcome.  Most people fall into the trap of attempting to change their actions (DO) without first changing who they are and how they think (BE).

For example, have you ever had a resolution that involved losing a certain amount of weight by trying some new fad diet?  You may have been successful in the short term by following the recommended diet, but chances are you reached your goal and the diet went out the door and the pounds came back on.  This is a classic example of trying to modify your actions without changing who you are and how you think.  This approach will fail every time the focus is on the DOING not the Being.

Back to the title, “What is your New Year plan”? I will try to help you with a few quick and easy, but powerful tools to help you succeed.

1) Set Goals
The number one rule of goal setting is that your goals must be written.  Writing your goals will materialize your thoughts… and thoughts motivate action.  A useful acronym to help with goal setting is S.M.A.R.T.  Make your goals Specific (you are more likely to achieve a specific goal than a general goal), Measurable (must have criteria for measuring progress), Attainable (Make sure you have or are developing the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity necessary for achieving your goal), Realistic (must represent an objective that you are willing and able to work towards), and Timely (must have a timeframe for accomplishing your goal).

2) Visual Success
Visualization is a process of holding a thought in your mind and allowing it to propagate into a mental picture that you can see, hear, feel, smell, and even taste.  If you visualize yourself achieving your goals you are more likely to be successful. Implementing these tools and concepts will help you not only achieve, but sustain your New Year’s resolutions.

3) Affirm Your Intentions
Affirmations are positive statements that stimulate your mind with an attitude of  Expectancy and are your opportunity to condition yourself to be exactly who you want to be.  Some examples include: “I can do anything I want to do!”, “I am a happy person!”, “I am worthy of success!”, and “I am health!”  Affirmations should always be written and read with regularly and should support whatever it is that you are working towards.  They should be written in first person and in present tense.  For example “I am…” vs. “I will…” Affirmations are best done at the beginning of your day and should be carried around with you as a reminder, and most importantly they should be said aloud with enthusiasm!

December is a great month to start organizing your New Year Plan.  My hope is that you will utilize and share this information with others so that we may all BE the change we wish to see in the world.  As Thomas S. Monson says, “The Future is as bright as our Faith.” Where can you go in 2013 and what can you accomplish if you exercise faith in yourself and in your ability to learn to make great choices? Here’s to a bright future!

PS – If weight loss is a part of the changes you are seeing for yourself in 2013, let us help! Our weight loss program is designed to help you make a successful transition in not only reducing your weight but in your health habits and life choices as well! Go to or call our office at 406-652-3553

Chiropractic Boosts Immunity!!!

Chiropractic Boosts Immunity!!!

We wanted to share this article. We see the influence that chiropractic adjustments have on immunity and overall health all the time. However, we know that our patients seldom get to have that amazing vantage point that we do! With the cold and flu season upon us and for overall health – make sure you keep you and your loved ones adjusted!

Chiropractic Boosts Immunity
Friday, February 04, 2011 by: Dr. David Jockers

The nervous system and immune system are hardwired and work together to create optimal responses for the body to adapt and heal appropriately. Neural dysfunctions due to spinal misalignments are stressful to the body and cause abnormal changes that lead to a poorly coordinated immune response. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to boost the coordinated responses of the nervous system and immune system.

The autonomic nervous system is hardwired into the lymphoid organs such as the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and bone marrow that produce the body’s immune response. Growing evidence is showing that immune function is regulated in part by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

Subluxation is the term for misalignments of the spine that cause compression and irritation of nerve pathways affecting organ systems of the body. Subluxations are an example of physical nerve stress that affects neuronal control. According to researchers, such stressful conditions lead to altered measures of immune function & increased susceptibility to a variety of diseases.

Inflammatory based disease is influenced by both the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Nerve stimulation directly affects the growth and function of inflammatory cells. Researchers found that dysfunction in this pathway results in the development of various inflammatory syndromes such as rheumatoid arthritis and behavioral syndromes such as depression. Additionally, this dysfunctional neuro-endo-immune response plays a significant role in immune-compromised conditions such as chronic infections and cancer.

Wellness based chiropractors analyze the spine for subluxations and give corrective adjustments to reduce the stress on the nervous system. A 1992 research group found that when a thoracic adjustment was applied to a subluxated area the white blood cell (neutrophil) count collected rose significantly.

In 1975, Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute and professor in Environmental Health at New York University, began researching the most scientifically valid ways to estimate individual susceptibility to various chronic diseases. He has conducted a tremendous amount of research in this area that includes over 160 published reports in peer reviewed journals.

Pero and his colleagues discovered that various DNA-repairing enzymes could be significantly altered following exposure to carcinogenic chemicals. He found strong evidence that an individual’s susceptibility to cancer could be determined by these enzymes. Lack of those enzymes, Pero said, ‘definitely limits not only your lifespan, but also your ability to resist serious disease consequences.’

Pero was fascinated by the relationship cancer-inducing agents had on the endocrine system. Since the nervous system regulates hormone balance, he hypothesized that the nervous system had to also have a strong influence on one’s susceptibility to cancer.

To support this argument he found a substantial amount of literature linking various kinds of spinal cord injuries and cancer. Pero found that these injuries led to a very high rate of lymphomas and lymphatic leukemias. This understanding led Pero to consider Chiropractic care as a means of reducing the risk of immune breakdown and disease.

Pero’s team measured 107 individuals who had received long-term Chiropractic care. The chiropractic patients were shown to have a 200% greater immune competence than people who had not received chiropractic care, and a 400% greater immune competence than people with cancer or serious diseases. Interestingly, Pero found no decline with the various age groups in the study demonstrating that the DNA repairing enzymes were just as present in long-term chiropractic senior groups as they were in the younger groups.

Pero concluded, ‘Chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have so that you can fully resist serious disease…I have never seen a group other than this show a 200% increase over normal patients.’

Kent, Christopher. Models of Vertebral Subluxation: A Review. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. August 1996, Vol 1:1. Pg 4-5

Sternberg EM, Chrousos GP, Wilder RL, Gold PW. The stress response and the regulation of inflammatory disease. Ann Intern Med 1992; 117 (10):854

Brennan PC, Triano JJ, McGregor M, et al. Enhanced neutrophil respiratory burst as a biological marker for manipulation forces: duration of the effect and association with substance P and tumor necrosis factor. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1992; 15(2):83

Reduce Joint Discomfort Through Weight Loss

Reduce Joint Discomfort Through Weight Loss

We want to share this great article with you! Every day our lives are influenced by the choices we make (or neglect to make) our attitudes and the care (or lack of) we choose to give ourselves.  There is no such thing as a person who cannot change – there is only such thing as a person who refuses to change or to believe that they can change.

If you have joint and weight issues – there is help. Eating healthy is not the same as eating cardboard. Our diet counseling program can help you make the transition from junk food to food that nurtures your body and your health. An added bonus is that you will lose weight at the same time! Give us a call at 652-3553 if you have decided you are ready to improve your life and your health!


You may not realize it, but with every step you take throughout your life, the pressure on your joints will be made worse if you’re carrying extra body weight. To carry even a single pound of extra body weight places added physical stress through the joints in your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and spine. The pressure is made worse if you’re walking up or down steps – and much worse when running.

The pressure on upper joints is just as bad. The spine has to support much of the body’s weight. Compression of intervertebral discs ensues, as does increased stress to the facet joints and to the supporting tissues of the spine.

So often medical doctors will mention that a patient should lose weight, then write a prescription for an anti-inflammatory. They know that most people will struggle to shed their excess pounds, so it’s much easier to medicate the condition rather than try to convince the patient that a lifestyle change is needed.

Joint arthrosis, known to most as arthritis, is stressful enough without adding the stress of losing weight to the equation. However, it’s very important to find ways to shed the extra pounds, because with each minute you have that extra weight on you, increased joint compression is adding to your discomfort. Lose weight successfully, and you’ll overcome much of your physical load in the body’s joints. You’ll then be more open to dietary change and exercise, as the discomfort in exercise will be lessened with less body weight, and your openness to a healthier diet shall follow. By losing just a few pounds, your joints will have a greater chance of recovery. The joint arthrosis will progress considerably slower, your joints will receive a better nutrient supply through production of more synovial fluid, and the articular cartilage will last much longer.

Your joints have well-formed cartilage at youth, but through wear and tear, the articular cartilage is jeopardized. The result can be compared to metal rubbing against metal, while the grease needed to lubricate the moving apparatus is worn away. With added weight combined with reduced cartilage, the jarring effect – through the knees in particular – becomes continually worse. The articular cartilage diminishes, leading to increased inflammation and discomfort.
Arthritis doesn’t tend to resolve itself, and generally gets worse simply through increased wear and tear. Weight loss doesn’t occur without some lifestyle changes, but it’s something that certainly doesn’t require drugs. It’s one aspect of control you can exert over the crippling effects of joint arthrosis. Take control, take action, lose weight… and reduce your joint discomfort.

by Corey Mote, DC

(Dr. Corey Mote is a chiropractic physician, professional natural bodybuilder, exercise physiologist, columnist for various fitness magazines nationally and internationally, as well as a consultant for a United Kingdom-based vocational fitness program known as U-Phorm.)

The Attitude of Gratitude

The Attitude of Gratitude

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we have some thoughts on the practice of “Thanksgiving” or gratitude. We feel that taking the time to be grateful is not something to be done once a year but something we should make a part of our lives every day. Having an attitude of gratitude is a key factor in a wellness lifestyle.

Do you know someone who is always negative? How much fun is that person to have around? People with positive attitudes tend to have stronger social relationships for the simple reason that they are a joy to be around.

Having a positive attitude also helps during times of stress and change.  People with a great attitude are able to find the positive even in difficult times and situations. This helps to keep the body from being overtaxed by stress hormones. By focusing on the positive you are also more likely to find solutions to challenges you may be dealing with. Where your attention goes, energy flows.

So what are you grateful for this year? Has it been a year full of joy, abundance and smooth sailing? Has it been a year full of difficulty or has it been a mix? Are you able to appreciate when times are good and reflect on your good fortune or do you take it for granted? Are you able to appreciate the blessings in your life even when they are overshadowed by difficult times, stress, uncertainty and grief? Finally, are you able to reflect upon and learn from the difficult times to use that knowledge to create more joy and balance in your life?

These are not arbitrary questions but are key to truly enjoying what life has to offer. Dr. Wayne Dyer has said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Do you need to change your perspective to get a better view of all that is good and right with your life? This is a great time to give yourself an attitude adjustment and carry it with you every day.



The cranberry has long been thought of as simply a holiday food or a tart snack.  The truth of the matter is that the lonely cranberry is one of nature’s best super fruits.  And now the cranberry craze has moved beyond cranberry sauce and has moved into the topping world.  Dried sweetened cranberries, more commonly known as “craisins”, have become a topping of choice on most salads, as well as just a simple treat.

The cranberry is considered one of the top super fruits because of its natural antioxidant characteristics and its nutritional content.  Raw cranberries contain healthy levels of vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber, as well as high levels of polyphenol antioxidants which have been shown to improve the cardiovascular system, as well as the immune system.  The polyphenols within cranberries have also been studied for their anti-cancer benefits.

Probably the best known rumor tied to cranberries has to do with women consuming cranberry juice to fight against recurring urinary tract infections.  Preliminary studies have shown that consuming 300 ml of cranberry juice (not cranberry cocktail) per day can help to limit the amount of bacterial infections in the urinary tract. Cranberry juice has also been studied for its abilities to decrease dental plaque and its ability to decrease kidney stone formation. There have been many studies done on the various health benefits of cranberries and other so called super fruits.  Most of these studies are still in their preliminary phase or are looking for other similar studies to confirm the findings.

The benefits that come from a natural unaltered food far outweigh anything man made that can be placed in a pill, drop, or powder. The moral of the story is that nature provides the things we really need to allow the body to heal from above, down, and inside out.

So, go out and enjoy what nature has to offer!

How to Find a Great Chiropractor!

How to Find a Great Chiropractor!

If you already have a chiropractor that you love and feel comfortable with – you do not need to read any further. However, if you don’t know much about chiropractic and you are thinking about seeing a chiropractor…read on.

There are plenty of ways to get information on chiropractors. The Internet and Social Media have all kinds of links and sites. However, the best way to get information on a chiropractor is from his/her patients (word of mouth). An amazing website is great but it can’t substitute for a person who has been treated and cared for by the doctor in person.

Admittedly, I am a huge chiropractic fan but that does not mean that I think that all chiropractors are created equal. Here are the things to look for and do if you want to find a great chiropractor:

•    Scheduling – does the doctor limit his/her appointments to five minute increments? If they do, this is a sign that they are more interested in getting people in and out than they are in giving the patient the time and attention they need. (I call that a cattle chute operation)
•    Does the doctor listen to and then attempt to answer your questions? No chiropractor can take unlimited time with you but a great chiropractor will do their best to make sure your questions are answered.
•    Does the doctor take time to explain what he/she is doing? A great chiropractor tries to make the patient feel comfortable and will take the time to explain what they are doing.
•    Is the prime concern of the office efficiency (getting people in and out) or with making sure that the patient knows that they are genuinely cared for?
•    Is the doctor caring and does he/she develop relationships with his/her patients?
•    Is the doctor concerned that you feel comfortable?
•    Ask his/her patients what kind of care the doctor gives.
•    Does the doctor x-ray every patient? If so, they are probably more interested in paying for their x-ray equipment than in x-raying a patient only when there is a demonstrated need.
•    How does the doctor treat his/her staff? Does the doctor’s staff recommend him/her when they are away from the office?

Try not to pay too much attention to the décor of the office. Many doctors have very nice, well decorated offices – and offices of that sort are certainly easy on the eyes but they don’t tell the whole story of the care that the doctor is willing to give you. I would want a doctor’s office to be nice, clean and well organized but I would rather be treated by a “great” chiropractor in a modestly decorated office than be treated by a chiropractor who runs a “cattle chute” operation in a high end office space.

I am fortunate to be married to a great chiropractor.  It always makes me smile when my husband’s patients share their experiences with me; so many of them come not just to have an adjustment but to be with friends.  I understand how important it is to them that my husband takes the time to answer their questions, explain what he is doing and that he genuinely cares. My husband has not always been a chiropractor. I think that being a chiropractor as a second career has helped him see his practice through a lens of experience that is not common to many practicing doctors. I am grateful that life has taught both my husband and me the amazing things that chiropractic can do for those it treats! Grateful too to understand that genuine care and concern is always an integral part of any great chiropractor’s practice!

Great Sweet Potato Recipe!

Great Sweet Potato Recipe!

Sweet potatoes seem to be one of those things that you either like or you don’t. I honestly thought I was in the Don’t Like category until I had a chef serve a recipe similar to this one. I thought I was going to have to put on a good face and endure a couple of bites. Instead, I loved them and I would have gladly eaten more than I was served! This recipe comes from the following link: I recently made this recipe and found that it tasted just like the sweet potatoes my chef friend served to me and my family. Sweet potatoes are a great source of fiber. They are low in sodium,  saturated fat and cholesterol.  They are also a good source of Vitamin B6 and Potassium, and a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Manganese.

Bon Apetite!

Easy Maple Mashed Sweet Potatoes


  • 3 to 4 medium sweet potatoes, about 2 pounds
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup (I used real maple syrup)
  • cinnamon, to taste
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons half-and-half or milk


Cook sweet potatoes in boiling water until tender. Let cool slightly; peel. Mash with salt, butter, and maple syrup. Add cinnamon to taste then continue to mash with the milk or half-and-half to desired consistency.
Serves 4 to 6.


Cooking With Coconut Oil

Cooking With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil should be a staple in the kitchen of any health conscious cook.

The benefits of coconut oil are far and wide.  One of the best features is that coconut oil has a high melting point. This helps it to hold up to the high temperatures of cooking where other oils become rancid. During the cooking process other oils can become toxic.

Not only does coconut oil hold up to cooking, its unique molecular structure offers nutritional benefits not found in other oils. Almost half of the fat in coconut oil is called lauric acid. Lauric acid is not found in many other places in nature. Once metabolized in the body, lauric acid is converted into monolaurin which has anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. This makes coconut oil a great friend to your immune system.

Coconut oil is also a rich source of medium chain fatty acids. Unlike long chain fatty acids, MCFA are easily digested and metabolized in the liver to produce energy. This makes it an ideal food for endurance athletes or anyone concerned about their weight or blood sugar. Since it is a fat and not a carbohydrate, you avoid the spike in blood sugar that is often followed by a crash in energy as the body works to balance the blood sugars and insulin levels.

With the increase in popularity of coconut oil in recent years you can find it in almost any grocery store. I encourage you to give it a try. For those of you who don’t like coconut, the flavor of the oil is relatively mild and is usually overpowered by the flavors of the other ingredients you are cooking with.

Bon appetite.

Got Pumpkin?

Got Pumpkin?

Autumn is here and the fall harvest is upon us.  Most of us have eaten a fall harvest product such as an apple, broccoli, cabbage, spinach or squash, but how about a pumpkin (other than pumpkin pie!).  Pumpkins are plentiful and very good for you.  They are low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol and Sodium. Pumpkins are also a good source of Vitamin E (AlphaTocopherol), Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.

The bright orange color of pumpkin is a dead giveaway that pumpkin is loaded with an important antioxidant, beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body. In the conversion to vitamin A, beta-carotene performs many important functions in overall health.  Current research indicates that a diet rich in foods containing beta-carotene may reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer and offers protection against heart disease, as well as some degenerative aspects of aging.

Pumpkin can be used in many unexpected ways.  Of course you can turn it into pie, but why not add it to your chili, mix it in a stew, make pumpkin pancakes, cook it on your grill, or make it into soup.  Check out for some great recipes and information about pumpkins, including the history of the Jack O’Lantern.

Speaking of Jack O’ Lanterns! When you carve pumpkins this year, save the seeds. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which is good for the prostate, as well as building the immune system. They also contain fatty acids that kill parasites. For maximum nutritional benefits, seeds should be eaten raw.  However, boiled, baked or raw pumpkin seeds contain essential fatty acids and beneficial proteins.

This year, instead of buying pumpkins only to decorate your front steps, why not try a tasty and nutritious pumpkin recipe.