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The Fiscal Cliff

The Fiscal Cliff

capitalAs most of us know – our country is approaching what is currently being The Fiscal Cliff.  There are many varying opinions that are being expressed about the fiscal cliff.

We believe that increasing taxes will only increase the burden on small business and on each wage-earning tax payer.  I have included below our personal plea with members of our Montana congressional delegation:

Most small businesses are organized as pass-through entities, where the business owner reports their business’s income on their individual tax returns. Allowing the current tax rates to expire will increase the taxes that small businesses pay, directly impacting the ability of small-business owners to invest money back into their businesses.

Raising taxes on small businesses, especially in the current economic environment, hurts our ability to grow and create jobs. I encourage you to give small-business owners the certainty we desperately need by extending all the current tax rates across the board and fighting to avoid the Fiscal Cliff.

I ask that you search your heart and do not cave in to politics or pressure from President Obama.

The right thing to do is to lessen the burden put on taxpayers, eliminate waste and reduce expenditures.

The easy way is to just ignore the true needs of this country and to raise taxes and continue to spend as though your pocketbook is limitless.

The right way is to do get back to running this country by looking to God for direction, utilize honesty and integrity in place of excuses, and by recognizing that hand outs do nothing – but a hand up can make all the difference.

How welfare is handled must change so that it is no longer just a hand out. No one wants anyone to go hungry or be homeless but entitlements are only creating a unrealistic culture where the lazy expect a hand out, those willing to work are expected to support the lazy and those who hard working and highly successful are demeaned because they adhere to those very principles which have  made this country great.

This country will only continue to be great when we, who inhabit it: work hard, obey God’s commandments, make our family’s moral upbringing and education a priority, each work to be a positive part of this nation’s moral fabric and strive to serve each other.

The truth is that for too long this nation has tried to remedy our problems by excessive expenditures from the nation’s pocketbook. It is now time to realize that the only way to solve the problems this nation has is to recognize that each citizen has a responsibility to make this nation collectively better. Fraud, dishonesty, and living beyond our means must be a thing of the past. Honesty, integrity, hard work, and doing right must ever be our watch cry.

I plead with you to do the right thing now.
The elections are past – but our need to communicate to Washington D.C. is not.  Please make your voice heard and let members of Congress know that responsible changes need to be made in this country – not tax increases!

PS – My apologies for the words with the built in links. I did not place them there and I cannot figure out how to get rid of them.  Jo Oblander

Why I am a Chiropractic Advocate Oblander Chiropractic

Why I am a Chiropractic Advocate Oblander Chiropractic

I haven’t always been an advocate for Chiropractic care. My first interactions with health care were with medical doctors (allopathic practitioners). For about 15 years of my life, my health was impacted by migraines 24/7. MD’s prescribed every medication then known for treating migraines. They also ordered MRI’s and blood tests and when nothing in their “doctor bag” worked – I was told my headaches were all in my head and that I needed counseling.

The story is too long to relate here but suffice it to say that my husband eventually ended up attending chiropractic school and becoming a chiropractor. While my husband attended chiropractic school, chiropractors who oversaw the student clinic took me under their wing and dedicated their time and talents to helping me find the reasons for my migraines. It was not a quick or simple process but we eventually found that the main culprit in my migraines was MSG (monosodium glutamate). Once MSG and a few other minor culprits were removed from my diet, I was headache free.

Having been a recipient of both allopathic care (MD’s) and chiropractic care let me share why I have become an advocate for chiropractic health care:

  • Chiropractic acknowledges that the body is a self healing organism (Our bodies have the capacity to heal)
  • Chiropractic looks to address the source of the problem rather than medicate it.
  • Chiropractic care promotes the body’s self healing abilities
  • Chiropractic heals bad backs and much, much more
  • Chiropractic operates from the belief that there is a creative force (God) in the universe we are a part of – rather than the godless world that medical schools profess. (I believe that God should always be a part of healing.)
  • Chiropractors are doctors who are highly trained professionals – their curriculum includes almost twice as many hours in diagnosis as their MD counterparts. (Which makes me wonder why more chiropractors are not primary care physicians.)
  • Chiropractors are trained in nutrition (the world’s most powerful healing tools are found in nature) while MD’s are trained in pharmacology.
  • Except in instances of trauma and life-threatening situations, I believe that chiropractic is much more effective and much less invasive.
  • I have seen first hand, the profound effect that spinal manipulation has on health. I have seen spinal manipulation clear nasal congestion, boost immune function (shorten or avert sickness), succeed with accident victims where physical therapy failed, end colic in babies, reset bones that surgeons claimed only surgery would fix, and more.
    Chiropractic is safe. The average annual malpractice rates for chiropractors are $4,000 vs $90,000 for MD’s.

Chiropractic is not the cure for everything. It will not cure the damage from smoking and heavy drinking but it can do amazing things and it does it all naturally!