Auto Injury Q&A. Answers to Questions Every Accident Victim Should be Asking

Auto Injury Q&A. Answers to Questions Every Accident Victim Should be Asking

?????????????????Being involved in a car accident is a traumatic and potentially life-altering experience. However, dealing with auto accident injuries afterward can often be even more difficult. Many people who have experienced an auto accident have questions about what the future holds. Here are answers to a few commonly-asked auto injury questions.

What Should I do Immediately After a Car Accident?

If you are in an auto accident, your first priority should be to care for your health and for the health and safety of the people around you. Check to see if you or any of your passengers have sustained any injuries that clearly require immediate medical attention. If so, call an ambulance right away. If you are able, move your car to the shoulder of the road so that it does not impede traffic or endanger others. Then, call the police to file an accident report. Right now is not the time to worry about who caused the accident. Instead, focus on getting the help you need and avoiding any further injuries.

What Are the Most Common Types of Car Accident Injuries?

Injuries from car accidents most commonly stem from rapid acceleration, deceleration and impacts—either from your body slamming into a part of your vehicle or from being hit by an unsecured piece of cargo. If your head is impacted by another object, you could suffer a traumatic brain injury. Facial injuries due to impact with steering wheels, dashboards, and airbags are also common. Finally, the sudden motion caused by a rear impact can cause neck injuries, including the infamous “whiplash.”

Should I See a Doctor Even if I feel Fine?

Yes, absolutely! In many cases, the injuries sustained during a car accident are not immediately apparent. Musculoskeletal injuries to the neck, back, hips and shoulders might not show any symptoms until days, weeks or even months after the initial trauma. Therefore, it is important to seek a medical evaluation immediately after your accident even if you do not feel seriously hurt at that moment.

Who is Responsible for Paying My Medical Bills?

The short answer is “It depends.” In a perfect world, your insurance company would cover your medical bills without any hassle. However, it is very important to understand your policy and to follow the process your company has in place for documenting and submitting claims so that you can receive the proper care and be sure that it will be paid for. In some situations—for instance, when your motor vehicle accident occurs while you’re driving for an employer or when your accident results in legal action—others may ultimately be responsible for paying for your medical care. No matter what the situation is, it’s critical that your healthcare providers know how to work effectively with insurance companies and attorneys to help insulate you from the financial and administrative consequences of auto accidents so that you can focus on your recovery.

What Happens if I Don’t Seek Medical Care?

If you walk away from a car accident and choose not to seek medical care, you are gambling with your health. You might be just fine, but then again you might also suffer from serious, lasting injuries. The simple truth is that your recovery will be faster and more complete if problems are diagnosed and treated early. We know this both from research and from long experience. Your health is too important to leave up to chance, so we’ll say it again: please seek medical attention after an accident, even if you feel you don’t need to.

If you are suffering from chronic neck or back pain due to an auto accident (even one that happened some time ago), there are ways to help relieve your symptoms and restore your function. Call or visit our office to learn more. We’re here to help!

Kids and Sports: The New Youth Athletics Landscape

Kids and Sports: The New Youth Athletics Landscape

?????????????Over the last twenty years, the landscape of youth sports has changed dramatically. It used to be that children would gather after school and choose (or invent) an activity or game to play until dinnertime. In this world of “free play,” the kids set the rules and managed themselves more or less independently. These days, though, it’s much more common for kids’ sports to be highly organized and stratified, with adults more heavily involved than they were even a generation ago.

The downsides of adult-led, year-round structure

Kids can sometimes be rough-and-tumble, and they can also be cruel. This means that free play can have its share of problems when seen through the eyes of adults who are most concerned about limiting safety and social risks. From their point of view, there are clear advantages to having a neutral adult coach providing instruction and “managing” play. Parents who view free play as an unstructured waste of time may also be drawn to what they see as the more targeted developmental benefits of organized sports, though for slightly different reasons.

It’s important to understand that this shift has come with a cost. Many child development experts now believe that adult-led, year-round structure has deprived children of important opportunities to practice innovation, independence and self-management—including social skills like cooperation and dispute resolution. They also believe it has deprived them of opportunities to learn where the boundary is between good-natured (even competitive) physical play and play that is rough enough to cause real harm. Learning where this boundary is requires live experimentation that entails some risk. This is how children learn how to read and respond to others and to different kinds of situations appropriately.

The up-or-out world of youth athletics

The shift to adult-led, year-round structure has also changed the nature of youth athletics, creating a two-tier system of “recreational” and “competitive” sports where recreation often gets short shrift. This can produce a high-pressure environment for many children, who automatically begin associating athletics with expectations of performance. This sort of environment has the potential to change the relationship between kids and sports in a few different ways. In some cases, it may encourage youngsters of 8 or 9 years (or their parents) to choose a single sport early in their “careers” and to commit to it for the entire year. Children who do not make this early all-or-nothing commitment (even very athletic ones) may find that their playing opportunities dwindle and that they’re stuck in the middle—somewhere between a competitive tier that may demand too much and a recreational one that may offer too little. In other cases, it may discourage children with less obvious talent or less drive to abandon sports altogether.

The impact on health and wellness

This isn’t about nostalgia. It’s about long-term musculoskeletal health and fitness. For earlier generations, sports were more seasonal and it was common for kids to play several different sports throughout the year. Since they didn’t specialize until later (if at all), they tended to become more well-rounded athletes and their physical development tended to be more balanced. And to the extent that different sports require different types of movement and emphasize different muscle groups, it was less likely for a young athlete to suffer overuse injuries. Today, physicians say they are seeing more juvenile athletes come in with repetitive stress injuries. For example, a recent study from the journal Radiology revealed that young baseball pitchers are at risk of an overuse injury of the shoulder known as acromial apophysiolysis, which can lead to long-term and even irreversible consequences as kids grow.

And what about children who opt-out of sports early because of performance pressure or burnout, or because they can’t “keep up” with peers who are developing before them? It may take these children years to rediscover sports. And they may miss out on exactly the types of physical activity that keep them fit and healthy unless they find some other alternatives.

A healthier, more balanced approach to athletics

Most medical doctors and chiropractic physicians would probably agree about the importance of variety when it comes to children’s musculoskeletal health and development. Even more broadly, variety is the key to achieving balanced physical, social and psychological growth. Plus, varying your activities is a great way to prevent boredom and increase enjoyment. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with competition or with working hard to excel at something, especially when it comes to sports and if it’s done for the love of the game. However, we adults should remember to let kids be kids, which means trying out different athletic activities, succeeding at some and failing at others, and learning to enjoy the process every step of the way.

Knee Care 101

Knee Care 101

?????????By some measures, your knees are your body’s largest joints, but they are also the ones most likely to be injured. More than 11 million men and women over the age of forty visit doctors every year due to knee pain. Taking care of your knees helps to make sure these vital joints continue to work smoothly and comfortably so that you can continue to live an active lifestyle.

5 Steps to Healthier Knees

Step 1: Stay Active, but Don’t Overdo It. If you don’t put in the time and effort it takes to keep your knees moving, they can start to stiffen, leading to discomfort and increasing your risk of injury. At the same time, dramatically increasing your levels of activity (particularly if you haven’t been physically active for a while) can cause injuries from repetitive strain. If you have never followed an exercise routine, ease into this type of activity slowly. If you work out hard on a regular basis, make sure to include rest days to give your knees a break.

Step 2: Manage Your Weight. Every extra pound you carry puts additional pressure on your knees. A study conducted by Stephen P. Messier of Wake Forest University found that losing even a small amount of weight can significantly decrease your risk of arthritis in the knees. If knee pain makes it difficult for you to lose weight through exercise, try using a stationary bike or elliptical machine to reduce the impact on your joints.

Step 3: Build Muscle Around Your Knees. The muscles that surround and support your knees also help to absorb shock. Strengthening your hamstrings and your quadriceps will help give your knees the backup they need. Talk to your chiropractor or a personal trainer for ideas on the best ways to strengthen these muscles.

Step 4: Don’t Forget to Stretch. While the muscles around the knees do need to be strong, they also need to be flexible. Regular stretching helps to keep these muscles from pulling the knee out of alignment.

Step 5: Don’t Ignore Pain. If your knee is painful, swollen, or making unusual noises, check in with a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms can be a sign of damaged cartilage, an issue that can be corrected with early intervention. Trying to “push through” pain without knowing what is causing it puts you at risk of additional injury, so never hesitate to consult with a professional if you think there might be a problem.

Chiropractic Care and Your Knees

Chiropractic care is a vital resource when it comes to keeping your knees healthy. Your chiropractor will take the time to examine and evaluate your joints, muscles, posture and biomechanics to determine the root cause of any discomfort. He or she will then recommend and perform manual techniques that will help to bring your body back into alignment. You will also have the opportunity to discuss your lifestyle and receive recommendations on changes that you can make to continue to improve your knees’ health.

Taking good care of your knees takes commitment, but the rewards are well worth it over the long haul. Talk to your chiropractor today to learn more!

The Latest on Eggs

The Latest on Eggs

??????????????Eggs: they’re tasty and nutritious, but for a long time now they’ve been considered a contributor to high cholesterol and heart disease. Recent studies are starting to challenge this assumption, giving egg-lovers reason to celebrate.

Cholesterol and Your Food

Dieticians and doctors have longed warned their patients against eating foods high in cholesterol, including shrimp and eggs. However, new advice from the scientific advisory panel for the 2015 version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are putting forward a different view. At the committee’s 2014 meeting, it was decided that cholesterol was no longer considered a “nutrient of concern for overconsumption.”

Part of this change in attitude comes from a better understanding of how the cholesterol in food impacts the cholesterol in the bloodstream. While many dieters have a negative view of cholesterol, in reality this type of fat is crucial for building cell membranes, protecting nerve fibers, producing oxygen, and absorbing nutrients. It’s such an important substance that the body creates it on its own in quantities that far outweigh the amount consumed through food.

New Attitudes Towards Eggs

This new understanding of dietary cholesterol’s impact on health adds more backing to a change in attitude towards eggs. For decades consumers have been told that eggs’ high levels of cholesterol make them dangerous for those at risk of heart disease. However, studies conducted in 1999 and 2006 show that eating one egg a day does not cause healthy individuals to have a higher risk of heart disease. Eggs are high in a number of important nutrients, including vitamins B12 and D, folate, and riboflavin, and also offer a concentrated, balanced protein “package” without requiring too many calories.

Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Much of the concern over cholesterol stems from its association with heart disease. So-called “bad” cholesterol can lead to plaque build-up on artery walls, which increases a person’s risk of heart attack and stroke. Other dietary substances, such as trans-fat and saturated fat, cause similar types of damage. However, their role in heart disease risk is often greater than cholesterol, making them a more pressing issue for anyone making changes in their diet.

Keeping Up with Changes in Nutritional Science

Changes in dietary guidelines can make it difficult to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family. While it might seem as though researchers and clinicians are “flip-flopping” on what foods they recommend, these kinds of changes come about as a result of new science and a gradually improving understanding of how food and our bodies interact. It can be frustrating to keep up with the newest nutritional science and to try to translate it into a healthier menu for ourselves and our families. However, having a qualified chiropractor on your side can help you take advantage of the most reliable science. Chiropractic care treats each patient as a whole, and dietary choices are an important part of their overall approach to health and wellness. Your chiropractor can work with you to help you decide which foods (perhaps including eggs) will be most healthful for you and your family

Can Food Choices Really Affect the Composition of the Microbes in Your Gut?

Can Food Choices Really Affect the Composition of the Microbes in Your Gut?

????????????????They say you are what you eat, but can your diet really have an impact on the microbes that live in your digestive tract? While thinking about the millions of microscopic life forms (collectively called the human microbiota) living in your gut might make you feel a bit squeamish, this topic has fueled a considerable body of research. The results strongly suggest that a person’s food choices do have a significant impact on their microbiota. And that this microbiota in turn has a real impact on their overall health and wellness.

Diet and Microbiota Content

One of the more recent studies that show the relationship between diet and microbiota was conducted in 2014 by researchers at Duke and Yale. In this study, researchers compared the microbiota of a group of volunteers. For five days, the volunteers limited their diet to rice and vegetables. After eating their regular diet for a week, the volunteers then spent another five days eating only animal and fatty products. The results showed that only three days after each dietary change there was a significant variation in the type of microbiota present.

A Gut-Friendly Diet

Even though the microbes in your gut are tiny, they can have a big influence on your health, particularly when it comes to digestion. Diets that are high in sugar, animal fats, and processed foods provide nourishment for the unhealthy microbes that cause digestive issues. Unfortunately, these foods are also a large part of the standard American diet. It comes as no surprise, then, that doctors see millions of patients every year for issues such as heartburn, bloating, constipation, irritable bowels, and diarrhea. Changing your diet to include foods that encourage a healthy balance of microbes can help keep you at your best.

Keep the following in mind when building a gut-friendly diet:

  1. Limit foods that are processed and high in sugar. Cutting off this food source helps to keep unhelpful bacteria in check.
  2. Increase your intake of beans, seeds, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. These foods help to increase the amount of “good” bacteria.
  3. Consider probiotic foods. Foods that are considered probiotic (such as kefir or Greek yogurt) contain live bacteria. These microorganisms help to supplement the good bacteria already in your digestive system and can help to tip the balance in your favor. Probiotics can be particularly helpful after a round of antibiotics, which can negatively impact your microbiota balance.

Your chiropractor can be a helpful resource when working to build a diet that is friendly to your digestive system. Because chiropractic care puts a special focus on lifestyle choices, your chiropractor can provide you with targeted feedback on how your food choices are impacting your overall health. Your chiropractor will work with you to build a food plan that improves your well-being in all areas, including your microbe balance.

Making food choices that positively impact the life inside of you can significantly improve your well-being. Keep your microbiota in mind when choosing your next meal: your digestive system will thank you!

Understanding Inflammation

Understanding Inflammation

asian girlYour body employs a number of powerful biological responses to keep you alive and healthy. Some of these responses can be triggered without much notice, but others are difficult to ignore. One of these more obvious responses is inflammation. Inflammation has an important role to play in the body’s ability to heal, but in some situations it can become problematic. Read on to understand more about this important function.

What is Inflammation?

When your body undergoes an injury or encounters an infection or irritant, it uses inflammation to aid in the healing process. The body releases chemical substances into the tissue around the injury or infection, which allows blood more access to the problematic area. The skin around the inflamed area often grows red and might feel warm to the touch. Inflammation can also cause pain as the released chemicals stimulate nerve endings and make the area more sensitive. This sensitivity prompts you to give the injured area plenty of rest, helping to improve the body’s ability to heal.

Inflammation Gone Awry

In the short term, inflammation provides a valuable service. However, inflammation can become chronic, meaning that it can last for months or even years. Chronic inflammation can occur if the body’s natural systems fail to address the root cause of the inflammatory response, or if the immune response mistakenly starts to attack healthy tissue. This type of inflammation plays a role in a variety of chronic conditions, such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Inflammation can also interfere with your life by causing congestion, fatigue, high blood pressure, allergies, and weight gain.

While everyone experiences inflammation from time to time in response to injury or irritation, some lifestyle factors can make you more prone to unnecessary inflammation. A study conducted by the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia found that sleep deprivation raises the body’s levels of inflammatory markers, substances in the blood that show that inflammation is present. People who are overweight and obese also tend to show higher levels of these markers. However, a study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, found that postmenopausal women who were overweight or obese showed a measurable decrease in inflammation markers when they lost 5% of their body weight.

Keeping Inflammation Under Control

If you believe you are suffering from uncontrolled inflammation, check in with your primary care provider to rule out any life-threatening conditions. Then, schedule a time to talk with your chiropractor. A 2010 study by the University of Quebec at Montreal found evidence that chiropractic manipulation can cause inflammation markers to normalize. A chiropractor can also make lifestyle suggestions to help make sure your diet, exercise and sleep levels support a healthy inflammation response.

Inflammation is a very good thing in the right circumstances, but it can cause many problems in the wrong ones. There are solutions, however, so there is no need to keep living with painful chronic inflammation.

How is Chiropractic Care Like Health Insurance? Just Read On…

How is Chiropractic Care Like Health Insurance? Just Read On…

young red-haired woman with her broken car.The best treatment for illness is to give your body the tools to avoid becoming ill in the first place. Preventing a disease or condition is much easier and less costly than treating it once it has developed. And regular chiropractic care can be a very useful tool in your toolkit to help keep you healthy. Like health insurance, chiropractic care is there for you when you are suffering, but even better than health insurance, it can also help keep you from needing treatments that involve drugs (with their potential side effects) and invasive surgeries down the road.

Chiropractors believe that an optimally working body has the ability to heal itself. Chronic stress, trauma, lack of sleep and unhealthy, inactive lifestyles interfere with the body’s natural healing ability. Any of these conditions can cause spinal subluxations that restrict movement, cause pain and create a nervous system that doesn’t function as it should. When messages from the nervous system are not efficiently sent and received, it can compound your health problem until it gets to the point where drugs or surgery are required.

A chiropractor can correct whatever spinal subluxations are interfering with the smooth operation of your nervous system when they first appear. A body that is in proper alignment is far less likely to become injured. With the increased strength and range of motion that chiropractic care provides, you are able to move in a way that prevents accidents and falls. Your body also has a better capacity to heal itself due to proper nerve signaling and increased blood flow.

Doctors of Chiropractic are not only experts at treating your musculoskeletal system, they can also provide you with important information to help keep you well. This includes advice on a suitable diet, nutritional supplements, specific exercises you can do at home and other useful tips and techniques to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle that is more likely to keep you free from pain and help you avoid costly medical treatments. Chiropractic care is holistic and patient-centered, and treatments are designed specifically to meet your individual needs. In cases where traditional medical services are indicated, your chiropractor will refer you to your family MD or an appropriate specialist.

Just as you keep your car maintained with regular check-ups and oil changes to keep it running smoothly and keep it out of the repair shop, so should you treat your body. According to the American Chiropractic Association, “Wellness begins on day one of chiropractic care.” You and your chiropractor can determine an appropriate schedule for regular treatments so you can achieve the all the preventive health benefits that chiropractic care has to offer.

How to Get Your Kids Up and Moving

How to Get Your Kids Up and Moving

??????????About one third of children in the United States are overweight. This is a worrying statistic, but not necessarily a surprising one. Busy school and family schedules leave kids little time for physical activity, while computers and television are often a much more appealing way to spend time than running around outside.

However, if you watch kids on a playground, you’ll notice something interesting: when it comes to running, jumping, and playing, kids are a natural. Most kids want to get moving: all they need is the right environment and a little encouragement. Here’s how you can help.

Encouraging Kids to Be More Active

Kids need at least an hour of physical activity every day to stay healthy. You can help them achieve this amount of activity by providing opportunities to play and monitoring the amount of time they spend on sedentary activities. Use your knowledge of your child’s likes and dislikes to choose activities to direct them towards. Some kids will thrive on a soccer team or in a martial arts class, while others are miserable in these more structured environments. Never force a child to participate in a physical activity he or she don’t enjoy. Instead, work with them to find appealing ways to play.

Similarly, encouraging kids to stay active is much more effective when things are kept simple. If your kids are not naturally drawn to competition, keep the focus off winning and instead encourage them to just have a good time. Try to focus on age-appropriate activities and stifle the urge to push your kids towards better performance. Running, playing, and having a great time is enough.

Your children look to you to learn what kinds of habits constitute a healthy lifestyle. If you tend towards more sedentary pursuits yourself, your kids will likely mimic you. The opposite is also true: if you show them that you find physical activities fun, they’ll want to give them a try too. Make exercise a family activity. Go on walks or bike rides together, spend an afternoon hiking on some easy mountain trails, or take a trip to a skating rink. Engaging in physical activity together will help bring you closer and start building habits that your child can come back to throughout their lifetime.

Finally, do your best to limit the amount of screen time your children indulge in. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading causes of obesity, so monitor and control how much time kids spend on the couch. An hour a day is a good rule of thumb, but again, use your knowledge of your child to determine which amount of time is most appropriate.

Encouraging kids to be more active is an important part of keeping them healthy. For more guidance on how to maintain your children’s health, consider consulting with a chiropractor. Chiropractic care focuses on the whole body, making your chiropractor a great resource for more information on keeping your kids (and yourself) active.

With some time and a little encouragement, even the most TV-loving kids can learn how to get up and have a great time. Get out there with them and get in on the active fun.

Which Chiropractic Technique is Most Effective? Why the Answer is “It Depends.”

Which Chiropractic Technique is Most Effective? Why the Answer is “It Depends.”

woman-with-question-listening-200-300When patients come to us for chiropractic care, it’s not unusual for them to ask us which chiropractic technique is most effective. This is especially true if they have prior experience with chiropractic care or if they have friends or family who do. The patients who ask this question are often surprised when we respond with “It depends.”

The simple truth is that the human body is a complex machine, and no single approach will produce the same results for every individual or in every set of circumstances. Rather, your chiropractor must take several factors into consideration to find the best treatment options for you.

What Factors do Chiropractors Consider When Choosing a Treatment?

When you first visit a chiropractor, you will go through a “new patient” or “patient intake” process that is not dissimilar to what you may experience in other medical settings. This process allows your chiropractor to gather information about your general health and the extent of your discomfort or injury, two factors that help inform his or her treatment recommendations. During this process, you should expect to fill out a questionnaire about your health history as well as undergo a routine physical exam. Depending on the situation, your chiropractor may also use a variety of diagnostic tools, including advanced imaging technologies that can help identify structural problems in your back.

When deciding which treatment would be most effective for you, your chiropractor will also take your goals and lifestyle into consideration. You may come to see your chiropractor with a very clear goal in mind: perhaps you are experiencing back pain due to an accident and you are hoping for relief. In this case, your chiropractor might recommend some form of soft tissue mobilization and low level laser therapy (LLLT) to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and speed healing. Alternatively, you may not have a single health problem you wish to address. Perhaps you’re more interested in improving your lifestyle and general well-being. Your chiropractor can work with you to build a strategy to help you meet your goals, perhaps focusing on nutrition, exercise and stress management techniques.

Finally, the most effective chiropractic treatment depends—at least in part—on your own experience and personal preferences. A technique that works well for one patient may not be tolerated well by another. Therefore, it is important to communicate openly with your chiropractor about how each technique feels to you. If you find a certain style of adjustment to be too intense, there may be gentler, low-force techniques that can achieve the same effect while keeping you more comfortable.

Taking Advantage of Many Techniques

Another reason we can’t provide a simple answer to the question “Which chiropractic technique is most effective?” is because it is very often necessary to make use of more than one technique to reach a patient’s goals. Your chiropractor will work with you to find both manual and non-manual therapies to help relieve your immediate pain and discomfort while also improving your function. You might find that dietary changes, exercise, or orthotic supports are all helpful in helping you reach your own goals, making them irreplaceable components of a well-rounded chiropractic treatment plan.

There simply is no one chiropractic technique that is most effective. Instead, the most efficient and reliable path to an effective treatment plan is good communication with your chiropractor. By being clear about your own goals and preferences, honest about your lifestyle choices, and open to your chiropractor’s recommendations, you can help us build a treatment plan that is most likely to deliver the results you want to achieve.

The Psychology of Making Healthier Choices

The Psychology of Making Healthier Choices

yellow-directional-sign-200-300Judging from the popular media, many of us have something in common—a shared frustration. It’s the experience of wanting to make important lifestyle changes (like exercising more, eating better and getting enough rest) but having trouble “following through” and actually achieving those goals.

For some, this has become a recurring pattern. And—recognizing the pattern—many of these same people will choose to give up altogether, believing they simply don’t have the self-discipline to succeed. But the truth is that success isn’t just about raw willpower. It’s also about having specific strategies in place to give yourself a psychological edge as you make changes and create new lifestyle habits.

In order to help you develop these sorts of strategies, we’ve gone through a number of recent health-, diet-, and exercise-related studies and extracted five psychological tips from them that you can use when trying to achieve your own health and wellness goals.

  1. Set goals for yourself, but make them realistic goals. Several studies have indicated that setting specific goals for yourself when starting a diet or exercise program is good, and will help you to succeed. But the most important tip to remember is that the goals should be realistic and achievable. In other words, don’t just set yourself the goal of losing 20 pounds as fast as you can. Be more realistic and aim for losing one or two pounds per week (which is often cited as a safe rate of weight loss) or every two weeks, which is more doable. This type of a goal will involve less “pain and deprivation”, making it more likely that you will be able to stick with it consistently over time.
  2. Become aware of the consequences of your choices. In a recent study, teens shopping in Baltimore corner stores were exposed to signs that “translated” the calorie count of sugary soft drinks into the number of miles they’d have to walk to burn off the calories in a 20-ounce drink. Overall sales of the high-calorie drinks were lower when the signs were posted, and sales of large sizes (over 16 ounces) of the drinks were also lower. Sales of water and non-sugary drinks increased. Most interesting, the effect of seeing the signs lasted for six weeks after they were removed. The more you know, the better your choices will be.
  3. Exercise self-control to avoid temptations. A study in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that one of the traits of people with high self-control was that they avoided situations that would tempt them. For example, asked to take an online IQ test and given the choice of a simple black-and-white version or one that had colorful background artwork that changed often, students with high levels of self-control tended to choose the version that offered less distraction. Applying this same idea to achieving your personal health goals, you might be better off avoiding the dessert aisle in the supermarket altogether rather than telling yourself you’ll just buy something small.
  4. Focus on the fun aspects of your exercise program to avoid “reward eating” after workouts. Researchers have recently confirmed a phenomenon that some of us have probably suspected—people who put in the “work” of exercising often “reward” themselves by overeating afterward. In a study conducted by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, participants were asked to take a two-kilometer walk around a lake. Half of them were told it was an “exercise walk,” and the other half were told it was a scenic nature walk. The participants were then given lunch, and researchers observed their choices. The group that had been told they were walking for exercise ate 124% more than those who had been told that they were walking for fun. Based on what they saw during their experiment, the researchers recommend that you do whatever you can to make your workout less work and more fun so that you won’t be tempted to “reward yourself” afterward with an extra helping of dessert.
  5. Make a formal commitment to become more physically active. In a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise, researchers found that office workers who signed a contract to become more physically active were more committed to doing so. Workers who signed the contract decreased their inactive time by an average of 33 minutes a day and increased their active time by 21 minutes a day. Workers in the same offices who had similar goals but who did not commit to it contractually showed little change.