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Migraine Headache Causes and Treatment Options

Migraine Headache Causes and Treatment Options

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????For those of you who wonder if you’ve ever suffered a migraine, it is likely you haven’t.  Migraines are a debilitating form of headache that can involve not only intense throbbing head pain, but also nausea, vomiting and flashes of light.  Despite how common migraines are, there is surprisingly little known about what exactly causes them.  Researchers believe that they are due to a combination of different factors, including genetics and environment, which cause chemical changes in the brain.

When a migraine occurs, levels of serotonin have been found to drop.  Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that regulates mood, appetite and sleep.  Experts believe this drop causes the trigeminal nerve, which is a major pain pathway, to release neuropeptides into the meninges that covers the brain, causing intense headache pain.

Other likely causes of migraines include the following:

* Hormonal changes in women – Particularly when estrogen fluctuates before menstruation, during pregnancy or during menopause.
* Sensory stimulation – Bright lights, glare from the sun, loud noise or even certain scents (whether pleasant or unpleasant) can trigger a migraine.
* Particular foods – Some of the most common food triggers of migraines are red wine, caffeine, aged cheeses, chocolate and monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is a flavor enhancer commonly used by Asian restaurants.  Pickled or fermented foods and the nitrates in deli meats and can also be triggers.
* Not eating – Skipping meals or fasting.
* Changes in sleep – Both getting too much and too little sleep can trigger a migraine.
* Stress – Not surprisingly, stress can contribute to the likelihood of getting a migraine.
* Medications – Particularly vasodilators and contraceptives.
* Physical activity – Intense physical exertion (including sexual activity) can be a trigger.

Your family history plays a major part in whether or not you are likely to get migraines.  Of those who suffer from them, 90 percent have a family history of migraine attacks.  Although they can begin at any age, most people who are going to get migraines have had their first attack during their teenage years, and nearly all have had at least one by age 40.

Treatment for migraines can include pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen and anti-emetics to control nausea and vomiting.  For those with chronic migraines who do not respond to over-the-counter pain medication, a doctor may prescribe a drug such as Sumatriptan, which is similar to serotonin and reduces the vascular inflammation that is associated with migraines, in addition to reducing the action of the trigeminal nerve.

In addition to avoiding the known triggers mentioned above, some migraine sufferers use various vitamins and herbal remedies to help prevent them.  These include vitamin B12, riboflavin, coenzyme Q10, magnesium citrate, feverfew, butterbur and melatonin.

Chiropractic care can also help to prevent and relieve migraines.  Studies have found that chiropractic relieves migraines as well as medication, and with no side effects.  Also, those who received regular chiropractic care reported a significant reduction in both the frequency and intensity of their migraines.  Dr. Oblander has had great success in working with his patients who suffer from migraines. Quite often, he has discovered that there are multiple factors involved for his patients who frequently suffer from migraines. If you are one of the unlucky ones for whom migraines are a fact of life, just remember that there are safe and effective ways to treat them.

Look Who Else Uses Chiropractic: Professional Football

Look Who Else Uses Chiropractic: Professional Football

football-collage-200-300Professional football teams recognize the value that having regular chiropractic care affords their players.  All of the 32 teams in the National Football League (NFL) use the services of a chiropractor for treating and preventing injuries to team members.

Dr. Spencer H. Baron, a team chiropractor for the Miami Dolphins and past president of the Professional Football Chiropractic Society, said, “The robust need for chiropractic care in the NFL has been deeply driven by the players’ desire for peak physical conditioning and not simply for injuries. From the earliest years of full contact football, their bodies are subject to structural stress that doctors of chiropractic are specially trained to care for. Many DCs who provide their services to professional athletes travel with their respective teams throughout the season, treating players up until game time, during the game and sometimes immediately following.”

A number of professional football players are staunch advocates for chiropractic care and the ability it gives them to perform at their peak.

Emmitt Smith, a former NFL player for the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals and NFL all-time record holder for rushing, dealt with a lot of hamstring problems during a tough season in 1994. He related how he had some difficult questions to answer: “’Do I need to get more rest? Do I need to eat better? Do I need a little more training? How can I take care of my body better? Do I need to find a Chiropractor?’ It was time for me to invest in me.” Smith added, “I found a specialist that’s really good in balancing out my body to make sure my hips are rotated right, and my body is functioning properly.”

Smith continued, “I remember somebody telling me that what I put myself in during the games is like having a car wreck every Sunday. It’s against the norm. You can find yourself in awkward positions. That stuff takes its toll. But if you take advantage of the health care, balance your body back out, put it back where it’s supposed to be, you function better, and you recover faster.” He said about chiropractic, “You can have a Ferrari body, but your wheels need balancing. I felt if I took care of my body, I could still function when I got older.”

Chiropractic apparently served Smith well in helping him maintain function and flexibility, because after his retirement in 2004 he went on to win the third season of Dancing With the Stars, teamed with professional dancer Cheryl Burke.

Other professional footballers have expressed their appreciation for chiropractic care as well. Joe Montana, who possesses three Super Bowl MVPs and was named Player of the Year in 1990, was so appreciative of chiropractic that he agreed to become the spokesperson for chiropractic in the state of California, saying “Chiropractic has been a big part of my game. Chiropractic care works for me.”

New Orleans Saints wide receiver Lance Moore is another chiropractic devotee. He said, “Not only did my chiropractor get me back on the field, but he helped me to stay on the field. My body just feels much better overall because of the care I’ve gotten.”

Three-time Super Bowl champion Jerry Rice, a former wide receiver with the San Francisco 49ers said, “I believe in chiropractic, and I know that it works. You probably know about my long and successful career in football. I’m flattered by the testimonials to my durability. Football is a very rough and vigorous sport. Chiropractic was the key to keeping me in the game.”

Auto Accident Folklore—Being Thrown Clear and Bracing for Impact

Auto Accident Folklore—Being Thrown Clear and Bracing for Impact

???????????????????????????????You have no doubt overheard someone at work or at a party telling his friends that he never wears a seat belt-and that he has some really good reasons.  The story usually goes something like this:  He heard from a buddy he knows that a friend of a friend who was not wearing a seat belt had a bad car accident and walked away from it because he was thrown clear of the car.  This is one of the most pervasive car safety myths out there. And if you believe this myth, you could be setting yourself up for serious injury or death.

Although there are a small handful of cases in which someone has survived a car accident after being thrown from the car, this is a very rare occurrence.  In fact, you actually have a 25 percent greater chance of being killed if thrown from the car.  Just consider the physics of the situation.  The force applied to your body when a collision occurs can be strong enough to propel you 150 feet, which is equivalent to about 15 car lengths.  And you would not just be flying gracefully through the air either.  First, your body may go crashing through the windshield, it may scrape along the rough asphalt for yards, and then you could end up getting crushed by your own car or someone else’s.  This is not to mention the other objects you may be hurled into when flung from the car.  Statistics from a study performed by researchers at James Madison University show that the proper use of a seat belt reduces serious injuries from traffic accidents by 50 percent and fatalities by 60 to 70 percent.  It’s a simple thing that can protect your health and save your life-wear seat belts.

Another common myth is that bracing for impact causes more damage to your body, and that it’s best to remain relaxed.  Of course, actually having the ability to choose one way or another about bracing has a lot to do with how much time you have before impact.   Many accidents occur in the blink of an eye, so suggesting that someone should “stay relaxed” has really limited practical value.  However, the most current science indicates that if you have time, bracing for impact will likely reduce the amount of injury, particularly to tendons and ligaments.
One of the most common types of injury from an auto accident is whiplash, which occurs in about a third of all collisions.  If you see a car approaching in your rear view mirror that you believe is going to collide with yours, the best thing to do is to press your body against the seatback, with your head pressed firmly against the head rest. This way you are less likely to suffer injuries to the ligaments in your neck, as your head will not be slammed back against the head rest, then flung forward.

Auto accidents are never pleasant, but by knowing the facts about auto safety you can help reduce your chances of sustaining a serious injury.  If you do end up in an accident, it’s always a good idea to get a medical evaluation promptly, even if you think you haven’t suffered any significant injuries.  Many auto injuries take time for their symptoms to become apparent or significant enough for victims to recognize how badly they may have been hurt.  By the time the symptoms are obvious, the victim and his or her doctor may have lost a valuable opportunity to treat the underlying injuries.  Please call or visit the office if you or someone in your family has recently been involved in an auto accident.

Look Who Else Uses Chiropractic: Professional Baseball

Look Who Else Uses Chiropractic: Professional Baseball

baseball-collage-200-300Since the 1920s, when the New York Yankees traveled with a chiropractor to their games, many professional baseball players have been taking advantage of the edge that playing pain-free gives them. Many baseball players from the major leagues have attested to the fact that chiropractic care has been instrumental in helping them perform at their best.

Barry Bonds, who retired from baseball after a successful 21-year career, and who still holds the all-time Major League Baseball record for home runs, said before his retirement, “I go to my chiropractor on a regular basis, because I want to prolong my career as long as possible. I see him about once a week, in between my training (sessions). By getting an adjustment once a week from him, I feel I can sustain my career a lot longer.” Bonds noted, “I think it should be mandatory for athletes to see a chiropractor.”

Former Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees third baseman Wade Boggs said in a 1997 interview, “Last year I found my Chiropractor and I have been seeing him ever since. I have been pain-free and feeling terrific. I swear by it. Now, it is just maintenance and keeping in line so the nerves don’t touch.” Of his chiropractic treatment to relieve the severe back pain that he had suffered from for nearly 10 years, Boggs said, “I don’t feel that stiffness in the entire midsection anymore. I haven’t winced since I started this… The muscle relaxants weren’t working, the prednisone wasn’t working, nothing was working anymore. My legs were like jelly.” After his experience, Boggs became something of a self-described “torch-bearer” for chiropractic.

Former major league player Jose Canseco said of chiropractic, “I’ve found that it’s a great stress reliever to get adjusted. It takes away a lot of the tightness in the muscles.” He noted that chiropractic is useful for baseball players because “When you’re out there and you’re not feeling the pain, you’re obviously going to be a better player.”

Johnny Damon is another staunch supporter of chiropractic. While playing for the New York Yankees in 2007, Damon advised that they hire a team chiropractor. He knew first-hand of the benefits of regular chiropractic care. Damon was one of only three major league players who had gone for at least 10 years in the majors without being put on the disabled list.

Jason Motte, a pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals said of their team chiropractor, Dr. Ralph Filson, “I had issues with my shoulder and arm for a long time. I started seeing Dr. Filson this year. Since then, I have not had any arm problems. The whole team appreciates him and the work he did throughout the season. I know while being under Dr. Filson’s care, I was able to feel 100% while on the mound.”
Team chiropractors are becoming increasingly common in Major League Baseball, and these athletes’ testimonials strongly suggest that it’s a good move for any team to make if they want to keep their players healthy and performing at their best.

Is There Such a Thing as a Negative Calorie Food?

Is There Such a Thing as a Negative Calorie Food?

woman-wondering-200-300One of the most widespread diet gimmicks circulating around the Internet is the practice of eating “negative calorie food.”   What is meant by this term is the idea that certain low-calorie foods burn more calories in their preparation, consumption and digestion than the calories they contain.  Although this is an attractive idea that would seemingly allow you to eat as much of these foods as possible without gaining weight, there is no scientific research confirming that it is actually true.

Celery is the most frequently used “example” of this idea in action.  A stalk of celery contains only between 8 and 10 calories.  Ninety-five percent of it is water, with the remainder being composed mostly of fiber.  Chewing food burns only around 5 calories an hour, and digestion adds just a few more calories to that amount.  The process of digestion does not take very much energy, accounting for only about 5 percent of your daily energy expenditure.  To put it in perspective, consider that it takes 15 minutes of strenuous exercise to burn 100 calories.  Dr. Nancy Snyderman, the Chief Medical Editor for NBC news, says in an article in Time magazine, “The calories your body burns in fueling the digestive cycle are minuscule compared with the calories in the food itself.  Although chewing celery might seem like a strenuous activity, it burns about the same amount of calories as watching grass grow.”

One of the features that nearly all supposed negative calorie foods share is that they have very high water content.  In addition to celery, among the other foods on this list are watermelon, lettuce, apples, grapefruit, lemons, limes, onions and pickles.  All contain a lot of water and are relatively high in fiber (which is healthy in itself).  However, making a diet exclusively out of these types of foods would eventually cause nutritional deficiencies.

Although no scientific studies have proven the theory, it may be possible-technically speaking-that eating some kinds of negative calorie foods could provide a very slight negative calorie deficit under a particular set of conditions.  However, it would not be significant enough to affect any kind of weight change and, as a practical nutritional matter, has big drawbacks.  The only way negative calorie foods can help you lose weight is if you eat them in place of higher-calorie foods that have more nutritional value.

The Director of the obesity and diabetes programs at Harlem’s North General Hospital, Cathy Nonas, notes that, “If you substitute celery for cookies and pretzels, and those are the things that were putting you over the top in terms of weight then yes, you will lose weight.  But you’re not going to lose weight by chewing celery a couple times a day if you’re not exercising and changing what else you eat.”

Look Who Else Uses Chiropractic: Professional Basketball

Look Who Else Uses Chiropractic: Professional Basketball

basketball-collage-200-300Did you know that most of the teams in the National Basketball Association (NBA) now have a team chiropractor?  This is because they understand the advantage that chiropractic care gives to their players in the prevention and treatment of injuries on the court.

Following are comments from some of the greatest players in basketball about what chiropractic has done for their careers and for their health.

Michael Jordan, 6-time NBA Champion, 6-Time Final MVP and 5-Time NBA MVP, said of chiropractic, “I didn’t know how much I could improve until I started seeing a chiropractor. Since I’ve been in chiropractic, I’ve improved by leaps and bounds, both mentally and physically.”

Derrick Rose, a former NBA all-star point guard for the Chicago Bulls who was named Most Valuable Player, is also a fan of chiropractic. Rose explained how chiropractic treatment was effective in allowing him to recover from back spasms that were severe enough to keep him off the court. In an ESPN interview, Rose said, “The whole week I was seeing a great chiropractor, (Dr.) Stuart Yoss. He did a great job on getting me back.” Rose had been forced to miss five games, the most in his career, but after his chiropractic care he returned to the court in top shape.

According to Gerald Wilkins, former NBA Guard with the New York Knicks, “My shooting has improved because of chiropractic. I feel more balanced and have more coordination and control. Since I have been under chiropractic care, I have improved by leaps and bounds.”

A former point guard for the Utah Jazz, John Stockton was named one of the 50 greatest players in NBA history in 1996. In a 2002 interview, Stockton attributed his continued success on the basketball court at the age of 40 to “a good chiropractor.” Stockton said, “I’m not a good enough expert on what that (chiropractic) entails, but it’s not just adjustments. It’s balancing muscles and overall health. It’s been great for me, and for my family.” Dr. Craig Buhler, who was the team chiropractor for the Utah Jazz for 26 years, and who treated Stockton, said “Chiropractic care helps to give a team and athlete a competitive advantage in whatever sport they participate in. Specifically, it helps to enhance endurance levels, assist in the recovery from many structural injuries and achieve overall peak performance. By including chiropractic into an athlete’s regular health practices, one is able to maximize training and optimize functional balance and skill.

Buhler added, “A collaboration of several healthcare professionals is key to caring for elite sporting teams. Chiropractic is an essential component to this healthcare team and, as it continues to become more apparent, athletes are recognizing the value it has for accomplishing their goals of staying in the game and playing at their best.”

Starve a Cold and Feed a Fever

Starve a Cold and Feed a Fever

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Most of us have probably heard the old adage “starve a cold and feed a fever” (with some believing that it’s the other way around…), but does this saying hold up in the face of scientific research?  The short answer is “no.”  The best thing you can do is probably to feed both.

We would all like to believe there’s some easy way of reducing the length or severity of our suffering as we sniffle and cough our way through the aches, pains and lack of energy brought on by a cold or flu.  However, there are not really very many things that can be done about it, apart from getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of fluids.  But what role does eating-or not eating-actually play?

There was one study in 2002 performed by Dutch researchers and published in the journal Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology that tested the validity of the concept.  They found that fasting was better at fighting the infections that caused fevers, and eating a meal better fought off viruses associated with colds.  However, it used a very small sample of subjects and its results were not reproducible in further studies.

Most people do not feel particularly hungry when they are sick with a cold or fever anyway, as the body naturally regulates the amount of food we eat when ill.  Certainly, eating a large heavy meal will use some reserves of energy that would be better used in fighting off pathogens.  However, keeping a steady stream of nutrients flowing through your system is a good idea and provides your body with the tools it needs to kill invading viruses.

Concentrate on getting nutrient- and antioxidant-rich foods in your diet as best you can, along with plenty of sugar-free fluids.  Many people drink a lot of juice, thinking it will provide them with vitamin C, but you would be better off eating strawberries or red peppers (both of which are high in vitamin C) or taking a supplement, as juice comes with a lot of sugar.  Sugar has been proven to suppress the immune system, which is exactly the opposite of what you need when you are ill.

Warm broths are also excellent when you are sick.  The prescription of chicken soup for upper respiratory symptoms has been around since the time of the ancient Greeks, and the practice was adopted by the Jewish physician and philosopher Maimonides.  There’s a reason your mother brought you chicken soup when you had a cold or flu.  Far from being an old wives’ tale, a study performed by Dr. Stephen Rennard from the University of Nebraska Medical Center showed that chicken soup inhibited the movement of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) in the body so they could not travel to the upper respiratory area and induce inflammation.

Chicken soup is only effective as a treatment if it is prepared using both chicken and a variety of vegetables such as onions, celery, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, turnips and parsley (and then filtered).  Whatever its activity against pathogens, at the very least it provides your body with plenty of nutrients and warm liquids that will help get you feeling well again soon.

Obesity Facts and Figures

Obesity Facts and Figures


Obesity is fast becoming the number one health problem in the world, contributing to an increased risk of other diseases and putting a strain on national health budgets. Following are some interesting facts and figures related to obesity:


* About 17% of medical costs in the US are due to obesity and its related diseases, totaling an estimated $168 billion per year.
* Obesity adds about $2,800 to a person’s medical bills annually.
* An estimated 300,000 premature deaths in the US each year are caused by obesity.
* One third of US adults are obese, indicating a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher.
* If an 18-year-old remains obese throughout their adulthood, it will cost them $550,000.
* 80% of cases of Type 2 diabetes are related to obesity. The rate of diabetes has doubled in eight states since 1995.
* 70% of heart disease is obesity-related.
* Low-income women are more likely to become obese than high-income women. Over 33% of people earning less than $15,000 annually are obese, as opposed to a 24.6% rate of obesity in those earning $50,000 or more.
* The highest rates of obesity are found among non-Hispanic African Americans (44.1%), followed by Mexican-Americans (39.3%), Hispanics (37.9%) and non-Hispanic whites (32.6%). Asians have the lowest rate of obesity at 16.7%.
* In the last 30 years childhood obesity has tripled, from 6.5% in children aged 6 to 11 years to 19.6% today. The obesity rate in teenagers aged 12 to 19 years has increased from 5% to 18.1%.
* Of children who are overweight at age 10-15, 80% will be obese as adults.
* As a percentage of the population, the US has the highest number of obese people (33.9%), followed by Mexico (24%), the UK (23%), Slovakia (22.4) and Greece (22%).
* College graduates have an obesity rate of 20.8%, which is lower than the 29.5% rate of those who have only graduated high school.
* Obesity begins to decline after age 60. The population of those over age 69 has an obesity rate of 20.5%.
* The rate of obesity is increasing in the US. In 2007 only one state had an overall obesity rate of over 30%. In 2011, 12 states had a greater than 30% obesity rate.
* 40% of obese Americans aged 50 to 84 have osteoarthritis of the knee, caused by the wear and tear to the joints from excess weight stress. One extra pound of weight is equivalent to four pounds of stress on the knee.

Good health is a combination of many factors including your nutrition, preventative care, appropriate corrective care and the small choices you make every day in the course of living.

If you are overweight and would like to lose weight and/or learn more about how to eat for health and weight maintenance we can help! Our doctor supervised diet helps you safely lose weight while maintaining muscle mass. As a bonus, with the help of our weight loss coaches, you will learn nutritional and lifestyle skills that will serve you well for a lifetime! For more information, call our office at 406-652-3553 or go to

If you have questions about this article, your general or spinal health, please ask. We are here to help!

Patient’s Satisfaction with Chiropractic Care

Patient’s Satisfaction with Chiropractic Care

satisfaction-form-200-300When it comes to making important choices about treatment options for back pain, it’s worth looking at the experiences of others who have found something that works.  In recent years, the Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center has surveyed the magazine’s subscribers to do just that.  In April and May 2009, Consumer Reports released some of its findings publicly.  A summary appears below.

About the Survey Participants:

* More than 14,000 participants who had suffered from lower-back pain in the prior year but had never had back surgery.
* More than half reported that pain severely limited their daily routine for a week or longer.
* Many reported that pain interfered with sleep, sex and efforts to maintain a healthy weight.
* 88% reported that the pain recurred through the year.
* Most had tried five or six different treatments.

How Respondents Ranked the Healthcare Providers Who Had Treated Them:

Healthcare Provider Percent Who Were Highly Satisfied With Treatment and Advice*
Chiropractor       59%
Physical Therapist+ 55%
Acupuncturist    53%
Physician, Specialist 44%
Physician, Primary Care 34%

How Respondents Ranked Selected Back Pain Therapies:

Therapy Percentage Who Reported that the Therapy Helped a Lot
Chiropractic Manipulation 58%
Prescription Drugs 45%
Over-the-Counter Drugs              22%

In July 2011, Consumer Reports published an updated report describing how Americans use alternative approaches to healthcare as well as their experience with various therapies and their providers.  Chiropractic care once again was reported to be the most popular approach to back pain relief and was ranked most highly in terms of patient satisfaction.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic can help relieve back pain and restore mobility by using a drug-free, hands-on technique called “spinal manipulation” or “chiropractic adjustment”.  He or she may also use other manual therapies, such as massage, to complement this primary treatment.  In addition, many chiropractors are skilled in designing exercise and nutrition programs for their patients that will help their bodies resist injury and function properly.  By focusing on both immediate pain relief and the underlying causes of back pain, your chiropractor can help you achieve a healthier overall lifestyle.

Every body is different. If you have questions about this article or whether chiropractic is an appropriate choice for your specific situation, please ask. We are here to help!

Quick Pasta Bolognese – Fun Healthy Recipe for those busy nights!

Quick Pasta Bolognese – Fun Healthy Recipe for those busy nights!


Quick Pasta Bolognese

From EatingWell:  January/February 2013

4 servings                                    

Active Time: 30 minutes           Total Time: 40 minutes



  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 2 medium carrots, finely chopped
  • 2 medium stalks celery, finely chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 8 ounces whole-wheat rigatoni or penne (about 3 cups)
  • 8 ounces lean (93% or leaner) ground beef
  • 1/3 cup dry red wine (can substitute beef stock)
  • 1 14-ounce can petite diced tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper


  1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add onion, carrots, celery and garlic; cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender, 6 to 8 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add pasta and cook according to package directions. Drain.
  3. Add beef to the vegetables and cook, breaking up with a wooden spoon, until cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes. Increase heat to medium-high, add wine and cook until almost evaporated, 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, tomato paste and nutmeg; reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in salt and pepper. Serve the pasta with the sauce.

Per serving: 414 calories; 10 g fat ( 3 g sat , 5 g mono ); 43 mg cholesterol; 55 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 26 g protein; 7 g fiber; 522 mg sodium; 709 mg potassium.

Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (118% daily value), Vitamin C (39% dv), Zinc (33% dv), Iron (24% dv), Potassium (21% dv), Magnesium (19% dv).

Carbohydrate Servings: 3 1/2

Exchanges: 2 1/2 starch, 2 1/2 vegetable, 2 lean meat, 1/2 fat


If you like to utilize natural health remedies as much as we do….Stay tuned….we will be having a herbal class by Lori Cameron on Simple Home Remedies! Lori is a Master Herbalist and will have some great information to share! We will be announcing the date of her class soon!


Oblander Chiropractic, 3307 Grand Avenue, Ste. 101,  Billings, MT 59102

Phone: 406-652-3553

For more healthy recipes go to our website at!