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How Chiropractic Has Helped Me: Introducing Jerry Rice

How Chiropractic Has Helped Me: Introducing Jerry Rice

Madden 07 release photo #5Few people put their bodies through the sort of punishment that football players endure every week-during practice and at game time. Former National Football League (NFL) wide receiver Jerry Rice says that chiropractic care has been instrumental in keeping him in good condition, both on and off the field. He was named the NFL’s Player of the Year in 1987 and retired 20 years later, having broken almost every wide receiver record in the NFL. Named MVP in Super Bowl XXIII, he attributes his athletic longevity to “vigorous exercise and chiropractic adjustments.”

“I believe in chiropractic and I know that it works. You probably know about my long and successful career in football, and I’m flattered by the testimonials to my durability. Football is a very rough and vigorous sport,” Rice says. “I took some vicious hits from players nearly twice my size. Thankfully, I had the durability to withstand these tackles, or I would never have succeeded or lasted as long as I did. Chiropractic was the key to keeping me in the game.” He continued, “My first experience with chiropractic care was right before the 49ers were to play the Bengals in Super Bowl XXIII. A couple of our players were injured and a chiropractor turned things around. I quickly became a believer, and ever since, I have had the benefit of chiropractic care.” He added, “Chiropractic made football great for me. I was at my best and was always at 100 percent.”
Rice had chiropractic adjustments twice a week while he was training to help him recover from the regular assault his body took on the playing field. “If I had everything in alignment, I knew I could play my best football,” he said.  Seeing how it helped Rice, his teammates were soon convinced that chiropractic was better than traditional care involving drugs. “I wanted to set the standard within football,” he said. “I knew if chiropractic helped me put up outstanding numbers, it could help my teammates do the same.”

After his successful football career, Rice then went on to a new physical challenge: learning to dance like a professional. Rice related what taking on this new adventure was like. “‘Dancing With the Stars’ was every bit as exhausting and challenging. Though not nearly as brutal as football, it required many hours of practice I had aches and pains that I’d never had before. Again, chiropractic made the difference, and kept me dancing and in the competition.”

Rice wants to get the word out to as many people as possible regarding the benefits of chiropractic care. He says, “The game of life requires the edge that chiropractic provides. Chiropractic care allows me to lead a very active lifestyle. I have seen its value, both personally and professionally, among my friends and teammates.”

Jerry Rice Shares Personal Success with Chiropractic Care

Introducing Brigadier General Becky Halstead

Introducing Brigadier General Becky Halstead

rebecca-halstead-200-300Retired Brigadier General Becky Halstead is no stranger to pain. She spent her entire adult life in the military, and was the first female graduate from West Point to become a general officer. She has seen battle all over the world, including in Iraq. But she has also fought her own personal battle-with fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is still not fully understood, but it involves symptoms that include headaches, fatigue, muscle pain, anxiety and depression. “It’s as if your whole body is a bruise … You hurt everywhere,” Halstead says. Even something as simple as showering was painful. “The water hitting your skin, it would feel like it was tearing.”

The conventional treatment for fibromyalgia involves pharmaceuticals, which Halstead took for a number of years. However, the drugs have only limited effectiveness, and she did not want them to affect her job. She said “I knew it wasn’t going to kill me-I was just in pain, so I took myself off all prescription drugs when I went into combat. I was in charge of 20,000 soldiers. That’s a huge command, a huge responsibility. I wasn’t going to have someone doubt or wonder whether the prescriptions influenced me or my decisions.”

However, it became impossible to continue in the military while dealing with debilitating pain, so she retired from the army in 2008. It was then that she began semi-monthly visits to a chiropractor, and that’s when her health began to turn around. Within a year of beginning chiropractic treatment, she was able to discontinue taking pharmaceuticals entirely by combining regular chiropractic spinal adjustments with nutritional supplements.

Halstead says of chiropractic care and how it has helped her, “It’s not like you’re cured, but you feel so much better. They set me on a path of getting well. I’m the healthiest I’ve been in 10 years. I was taking eight or 10 prescription drugs in 2008. The more I went to the chiropractor, the less prescriptions I needed.” She continued, “When I retired, my pain was easily a 9 or 10 (on a 10-point scale) every single day. My pain now is a 2 or 3, and maybe even sometimes a 1. I don’t think I’ve hit a 10 since I started regularly seeing a chiropractor.”

“If I had known how much chiropractic care would help me when I was a commander in Iraq and in the United States, I could have taken better care of my soldiers.” Although chiropractic care for military personnel was approved by congress, there are still many treatment facilities that do not have a chiropractor on staff, which Halstead would like to see changed.

“Until we’ve done that we have not fulfilled our leadership responsibility,” Halstead said. “If you want to help them, see a congressman and ask ‘aren’t our men and women getting these benefits?’ I’m not a chiropractor I’m a satisfied patient, a beneficiary of their talented hands, minds, and hearts. Go find yourself a chiropractor and change your life!” (first of a 4-part series)

Health and Safety Tips for Construction Workers

Health and Safety Tips for Construction Workers

Construction siteAccording to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there were 721 fatal accidents on construction sites in 2011, accounting for 17.5% of all worker fatalities that year. The leading causes of death to workers on construction sites were falls, electrocution, being struck by an object and becoming trapped. OSHA estimates that by eliminating these four primary causes, approximately 400 lives would be saved every year. And it’s not just worksite accidents that can be dangerous to construction workers’ health-bad ergonomics and exposure to toxic materials can also pose risks. Following are some health tips for construction workers to help avoid these hazards.

To reduce falls from scaffolds, ladders and roofs:

* Be sure you are trained in the proper use of all equipment and ensure that equipment is thoroughly inspected before each shift.
* Check that the weight placed on ladders and scaffolding does not exceed the recommended limits.
* Do not step or sit on a skylight if you are working on a roof, as there is a chance that it may not bear your weight.
* Check for unsecure shingles or roof tiles that can cause you to lose your footing.
* Placing safety netting below any roof openings can save someone’s life in the event of a fall.

To avoid electrocution:

* Be sure to turn off the power before working on any electrical equipment.
* Wear insulated rubber gloves and boots when working in wet or damp conditions.
* All electrical cords should have grounding plugs and any frayed cords should be replaced.
* Ensure that equipment such as ladders and scaffolds never come within 10 feet of electrical power lines.

To avoid toxic materials:

* Wear protective equipment when working on sites that may contain lead paint. Bridges, tunnels and elevated highways were all commonly painted with lead-based materials. Have your blood tested periodically to ensure that levels of lead in your blood are within normal range.
* Wear a face mask to keep from breathing in toxic fumes when working with tar or asphalt to reduce skin, eye and respiratory irritation.
* When working around stonecutting, paint, lacquer or asbestos you should wear a respirator.

To avoid ergonomic injuries:

* When lifting, be sure to bend your knees and keep your hips and shoulders aligned. Do not round your back or twist when lifting, as it may cause a back injury.
* Make sure your tool belt is balanced. Extra weight on one side of the belt can pull your body out of alignment, increasing the risk of injury.
* Sit on a sturdy stool when working at lower levels rather than kneeling or squatting.
* Choose ergonomic tools that are light and properly balanced
* Keep your wrists in a neutral position when working rather than having them flexed forward or backward. This will help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.

The Benefits of Potassium

The Benefits of Potassium

???????As the third most common mineral in the body, potassium is responsible for supporting a wide range of bodily activities. Without sufficient potassium, the heart, brain, kidneys and muscles would not function properly. However, the Western diet’s preponderance of processed foods has created a population with a growing risk of potassium deficiency.

Potassium is an electrolyte that is crucial to the body’s electrical circuitry so that proper signals are conducted to and from the brain and between cells. It works in conjunction with the minerals sodium, calcium, chloride and magnesium. Simply moving a muscle requires potassium. Potassium helps to regulate the heart, which is triggered by potassium to contract, squeezing blood through the body a hundred thousand times each day.

In addition to keeping our muscles and heart in good working condition, potassium is also responsible for healthy bone maintenance, protecting against osteoporosis, reducing high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and helping the kidneys to filter blood. It can also reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and keeps the body’s water levels balanced.

The recommended daily intake of potassium is as follows:

Infants birth – 6 months: 400 mg/day
Infants 7 – 12 months: 700 mg/day
Children 1 -3 years: 3,000 mg/day
Children 4 – 8 years: 3,800 mg/day
Children 9 – 13 years: 4,500 mg/day
Adolescents and Adults 19 years and older: 4,700 mg/day
Breastfeeding women: 5,100 mg/day

Most Americans are potassium deficient. “Relying on convenience and restaurant foods and not eating enough fruits and vegetables is why so many people don’t get enough potassium. Fresh and lightly processed foods, including dairy and meat, have the most potassium,” according to registered dietitian, Marla Heller.

An excess of sodium in the diet (which is common among Americans) can increase the amount of potassium you need. Others at risk of potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) are those who experience diarrhea, vomiting, malabsorption syndromes (such as Crohn’s disease) and excessive sweating. Alcoholics, smokers, drug users, athletes (or anyone who uses their muscles excessively), and those who use diuretics are also prone to hypokalemia. Symptoms include irregular heartbeat, muscle cramps, irritability, chronic diarrhea, weakness and stomach problems.
Food sources abundant in potassium are meat, poultry, fish (cod, salmon, and flounder), dairy products, legumes and fruits and vegetables (particularly bananas, citrus, avocados, tomatoes, potatoes and green leafy vegetables such as Swiss chard). Cooking destroys potassium, so try to eat potassium-rich foods either raw or minimally cooked (lightly steamed or roasted).

What is a Slipped Disk?

What is a Slipped Disk?

lower-back-pain-200-300A slipped disc is the common term for a prolapsed or herniated spinal disc. These discs are set in position between the vertebrae and do not “slip”. Instead, the disc’s outer, fibrous ring tears, thereby allowing the soft, inner portion to extrude through the tear and press against the spinal nerves. Inflammatory chemicals may also be released as a result of the tear and may cause significant, long-term pain.

Depending on the location of the slipped disc, the individual may experience numbness and tingling sensations in the extremities, sciatica and even erectile dysfunction, in addition to the localized pain.

Diagnosis can be performed using a number of methods (X-rays, computed tomography, discography), but a magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI) is usually the most effective, as it can provide highly detailed three-dimensional images of the affected area. These methods, however, are generally reserved for those cases where natural recovery has failed to improve the symptoms.

A physical examination is commonly performed prior to imaging tests and can include the testing of reflexes, sensations and muscle strength in the extremities and the patient’s ability to walk. These tests may include the straight-leg raising test where the patient slowly raises each of his or her legs individually while lying down. A slipped disc usually induces pain and/or numbness in patients as they raise their legs beyond two-thirds of their normal range.

Treatment for the majority of slipped discs generally consists of the patient practicing gentle exercises and taking prescribed painkillers (if there is significant pain) while the disc shrinks of its own accord. Your chiropractor may also perform spinal adjustments to correct the subluxations that are causing the herniated disc.

Lifting, reaching and sitting for long periods of time during recovery are to be avoided as they often aggravate the condition. However, exercise is important since movement encourages blood flow to the affected area.  Swimming is one of the best methods for exercising during recovery because it releases the compression forces on the spine while promoting blood flow, thereby encouraging the torn disc to repair itself.

Natural recovery can usually be achieved within 4 to 6 weeks, but if the symptoms persist past this point then the imaging tests (i.e., MRI) mentioned above can be applied. Depending on the severity of the tear, the physician may recommend physiotherapy or surgery. Approximately 1 in 10 cases of herniated discs will require surgery due to severe nerve compression, difficulty in walking and standing, symptom severity and/or lack of improvement.

Surgery may consist of open discectomy (where all or a portion of the disc is removed), prosthetic disc replacement (where an artificial disc is inserted to replace the damaged disc), or endoscopic laser discectomy (where the compressed nerve causing the pain is released and part of the disc is removed using a laser and endoscope). Recovery from this type of surgery usually takes 2 to 6 weeks although in some cases, further surgery may be necessary.
As with most conditions, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Regular visits to your chiropractor can help nip any subluxation in the bud so that it does not lead to a slipped disc. Engage in regular exercise, avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time, maintain good posture, lift using the proper technique and drink plenty of water (so your discs stay well-hydrated). If you look after your general health and fitness, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of a slipped disc.

Inside the Teenage Brain

Inside the Teenage Brain

Cheerful youthIf you have ever wondered why the teenage years are so difficult for parents (and often the teens themselves) you need look no further than their brain. The brain undergoes rapid and profound development during the teen years, much more so than during most of childhood. It is a time when the areas of the brain involved in the calculation of risk, rewards and decision making go through increasingly major changes. This may explain why late adolescence (between ages 15 and 19) has a six times greater mortality rate than those in late childhood and early adolescence (between ages 10 and 14).

Research conducted by scientists using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from early childhood through adulthood has mapped the many changes that the developing brain makes as it matures. They have found that the brain continues to develop into a person’s early 20s, with the frontal lobes that are responsible for reasoning and problem-solving being developed last.

Although the teenage brain is more impulsive and willing to take risks, it is also dynamic, vulnerable and stimulated by positive feedback. The reason for this is that the reward centers in teenage brains are highly responsive, while at the same time, the region of the brain associated with self-control is still not developed fully.

Dr. Jay Giedd, Chief of Brain Imaging at the Child Psychiatry Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health, says “The most surprising thing has been how much the teen brain is changing. By age six, the brain is already 95 percent of its adult size. But the gray matter, or thinking part of the brain, continues to thicken throughout childhood as the brain cells get extra connections, much like a tree growing extra branches, twigs and roots.”
Although the brain grows in gray matter significantly during childhood and early adolescence, the amount of gray matter actually begins to fall in mid-adolescence, which researchers say is a normal process of brain maturation.

Giedd says, “… the pruning-down phase is perhaps even more interesting, because our leading hypothesis for that is the “use it or lose it” principle. Those cells and connections that are used will survive and flourish. Those cells and connections that are not used will wither and die. So if a teen is doing music or sports or academics, those are the cells and connections that will be hard-wired. If they’re lying on the couch or playing video games or MTV, those are the cells and connections that are going [to] survive.”

Studies have shown that experiences early in life have a profound effect on the development of the teenage brain. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that children who received a lot of cognitive stimulation and parental nurturing had a brain with a thicker outer cortex, which is important in thinking and memory. Another long-term study from the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in London discovered that there were major structural changes in the areas of the teenage brain that relate to empathy.

Adults should perhaps give teenagers more of a break. As Giedd says, “It’s sort of unfair to expect teens to have adult levels of organizational skills or decision-making before their brains are finished being built.”

What Are “Flat Feet”?

What Are “Flat Feet”?

feet-crossed-in-grass-200-300Flat feet (sometimes referred to as “fallen arches”) are not difficult to spot. It is a condition where there is either no arch or a very low arch to one or both feet. Whereas the inside of the foot is lifted off the ground in people with normal arches, someone with flat feet will have their entire foot flat on the ground. This can sometimes lead to over-pronation, in which the foot rolls over towards the inside. You can often see the effects of over-pronation if you look at your shoes from the back. The insides of the heels will show greater wear than the outsides.

Flat feet are somewhat common, with approximately 20% of the population having them. They can occur at any age, and are sometimes due to a congenital problem. In adults, it is often caused by a lack of physical activity or can be a result of obesity. If the foot is subjected to repetitive micro-trauma, such as when walking or running on hard surfaces on a regular basis, this can cause damage to the posterior tibial tendon (PTT). This tendon is responsible for keeping the arch in position. Other conditions that can weaken this tendon are pregnancy, arthritis and trauma or foot fractures.
Some people experience no pain from having flat feet. However, flat feet can cause misalignment elsewhere, leading to other musculoskeletal problems. These problems may include plantar fasciitis (pain in the heel), Achilles tendonitis, knee pain, shin pain, low back pain, bunions, corns and calluses. The feet may also tire easily.

Many young children have what is called “flexible flat feet,” meaning that their feet are flat when standing, but if they rise up on their toes, the arch appears. These children will usually develop an arch as they grow into adulthood.

If flat feet cause no pain and there is no evidence of other problems being created, there is nothing to worry about. If this is not the case, there are a few treatment options. First, although it may be a good idea to get special orthotics for your shoes for support, it is equally important for your feet to get exercise. If your feet are constantly supported by orthotics, the muscles supporting the arch will atrophy even further. When you are at home, try to go shoeless as often as possible. And if you are lucky enough to live near a beach, walking on sand is one of the best workouts there are to strengthen your feet. Avoid high-impact sports that may put a strain on your feet, and if you are a woman, do not wear high heels.
Your chiropractor can perform adjustments to realign bones that may have become misaligned due to your flat feet. Misaligned bones can contribute to the problem and may cause secondary pain in areas such as the knees, hips and lower back. In addition, your chiropractor can provide you with exercises to stretch and strengthen the relevant muscles, in addition to suggesting appropriate orthotics, if necessary.

Spring Cleaning Health Tips

Spring Cleaning Health Tips

????????Spring is just around the corner, and it’s a perfect time to open up the windows in your house, let in some fresh air and give the whole place a good scrub. But you should also be aware of some of the possible health hazards involved in getting your place spic and span. You don’t want to be breathing harmful chemicals, and it’s a good idea to remove any health hazards that may be lurking in seemingly innocent areas of your house. Instead of using chemical-laden cleaning products, try to use simple non-toxic cleaners include vinegar, baking soda and water in varying combinations. They are just as effective for many jobs and will not expose you to harmful fumes. Read on for some healthy spring cleaning tips!

For sparkling windows – Far better than commercial glass cleaner, this window washing solution is non-toxic and leaves no streaks: Combine 1/4 cup of vinegar, 2 cups of water and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent in a spray bottle, and voila! You’ve got window cleaning solution that will cut through the waxy buildup of years’ worth of cleaning products, leaving your windows crystal clear.

More tips:

* Try to clean your windows on an overcast day. Sun shining directly on windows can dry the washing solution too fast and you end up with streaks.
* Use either a rubber squeegee to remove the solution, or use newspaper. Dry newspaper will not leave streaks or wipe marks the way that paper towels can.
* When removing the washing solution, use vertical strokes on one side of the window and horizontal strokes on the other. That way, if you leave a streak or two it is easier to figure out which side of the glass the streak is on.

To clean a toilet  – Pour about 1/4 cup of white vinegar into the toilet bowl and put some vinegar in a spray bottle to spray the sides of the bowl. Add a sprinkling of baking soda, let it sit for 5 minutes, then scrub with a toilet brush as usual. To remove hard water marks from the bowl, add two cups of vinegar to the water in the bowl and leave it overnight to dissolve the marks.

Remove the dust – Dust is heaven for dust mites, which can trigger allergies and make life generally uncomfortable. Old wool sweaters or fabric make good dust cloths, as they will pick up dust easier than other cleaning cloths. At the same time, replace air conditioning and heating filters so they do not serve to redistribute the dust and other airborne allergens around your newly clean house.

Get rid of mold and mildew – Provoking allergic reactions and worsening asthma, mold and mildew are constant enemies in areas of your home that remain warm and damp for extended periods of time. The most effective non-toxic mold remover is tea tree oil. Mix two teaspoons of tea tree oil with two cups of water and use it in a spray bottle on any mold or mildew. The scent will dissipate in a few days, but if it is too strong for your taste, straight vinegar works almost as well, killing 84 percent of mold spores. You can add a few drops of your essential oil of choice if you do not wish your bathroom to smell like a salad for a few hours.

To clean sinks, counters and bathroom tile – A mixture of one part baking soda, two parts vinegar and four parts water makes a good scouring cream for these surfaces. One of the most germ-laden locations is your kitchen sink, so give this an extra scrub with straight vinegar every so often to kill pathogens.
To clean and polish wood surfaces – Use a solution made of equal parts lemon juice and olive oil. Rub in and let it dry.